Well it has been a while since i really wrote a blog..so i figured why not compare if you will what damon fowler went to last summer to what im going through right now.
Now in case you don't know the Damon Fowler story here it is. Basically it was getting time for graduation from high school for Damon. And the school had always done a prayer at the ceremony. Well i do believe Damon knew (as most atheists do) that is 100% unconstitutional so he asked them not to do it. And id imagine he was pretty polite about it. Well the local news where he lives gets a hold of the story and runs it. Students everywhere at that school get pissed off cause well the prayer got called off instead there was going to be a moment of silence in its place. Which IMO is pretty fair and right. Although the students didn't see it that way cause most were Christians and any atheist knows how much they love to push their religion into school and force it on other people. Well anyway his parents find out about what he did and by the time he gets home one day all his stuff is on the front porch and they have kicked him out. Yeah so much for taking caring of your son apparently they decided their religion was more important than him. And as if that wasn't bad enough a local teacher at the school where he was says "This is a student who really hasn’t contributed anything to graduation or to their classmates." Oh and as if both those things arent bad enough he gets death threats on top of all that for speaking out. Oh and i forgot to mention the ACLU is the one who was gonna sue them or whatever if they did it but Damon is the one who brought it to their attention. So umm eventually i think someone gave him a place to stay until the graduation. So it gets to graduation Practice and guess what they pray anyway knowing their breaking the law that was basically used to divide people. But oh the story does not end their then we have to deal with the actual graduation So what does the speaker laci do to open it she says “I have something to say. I respect the beliefs of other people, but…” now as the friendly atheist reported the word but in that quote tells you everything you need to know about what is fixing to happen and now as the friendly atheist paraphrased it “I respect other people’s beliefs, but screw you if you’re not Christian. It’s prayin’ time!” and then what happened after that? So they said a prayer for Jesus. Followed by a Moment of Silence (code words for “more prayer”). Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance (which includes the words “Under God”). Yeah that away girl break the Constitution with that prayer and divide everyone up. The worse part is that the paper (the local one for them) said that the gradation was uneventful (yeah uneventful my a** how about breaking the constitution yeah thats uneventful). Oh and this really made me mad at the time when all this was going on the paper went on to say: "Principal Stacey Pullen said earlier in the day that additional security officers were requested because of the outcry by atheists from across the country who sided with the student who filed the protest." (oh yeah cause Christians can send death threats and then all of sudden they need the protection). Oh and one more thing to know about this story Mitzi Quinn, the teacher who trashed Damon in the local paper, was given an award for her “great service.”. How Dumb is that you trash a student and get that type of award!
So what does all this have to do with me. Well for one for anyone who has seen in class and wonders why im so quiet about my my views on religion in real life but outspoken on Facebook and the internet this part of that reason i dont wanna receive death threats from Christians where i live and/or get kicked out of my house. Though i would hope the Christians where i live are alot better than they were in that story. And im honestly pretty sure my mom would not do that (though im not willing to take the risk). Secondly and i'm thankful for this when i graduated we didn't have a prayer at the ceremony (so im thankful that at least when it came to my graduation that they are willing to uphold the separation of church and state around where i live.), but umm i havent went to any others since my own so whether or not they are breaking the law at this point idk. thirdly ik how at least to a certain point how it feels to be teased by your classmates. Believe it or not im an agnostic who became atheist after reading a book. and TBH for most/ if not all of high school career i was agnostic and even then by atleast one class mate if not more i was called evil and was told i was going to hell and maybe some other stuff. Though TBH idr if any others teased me or whatever you wanna call it or not.
Now of course its out there pretty good that im an atheist and always will be especially since i committed the unforgivable sin of denying the holy ghost and could never be a christian again anyway. And BTW im very happy for that. *dances around excitedly* lol.
And now i guess id like to get away from comparing damon's story to mine and go on to my focusing on my own life.
Like i said im pretty sure my mom wont be kicking me out cause of my views on religion and the fact that im an atheist. Now of course i have been teased and whatever else by my own family. One person saying that me being an atheist is a joke. And I had one of my uncles after my family found out that i was one saying oh i have a goat head at my house it would be perfect for you (basically implying that im a devil worshiper). Which to clear this up once and for all an atheist doesn't believe in god, the devil, heaven, or hell. Now what will be interesting to see is whether or not when thanksgiving and well to shorten it x-mas comes around whether or not when i go have dinner for thanksgiving and hang with my moms and dads side of the family whether or not the attacks and/or forcing their religion on me will happen. Though as far as unwrapping the gifts on x-mas and eating and hanging with both sides of my parents families let the forcing and attacking begin im pretty sure it will. Though like i said earlier i hope m family on both sides is better than that. Oh boy i cant wait to see. And the reason im asking this is that i havent really seen some of either side since coming out as an atheist the only people ive really seen are the uncle who attacked me as i told yall about earlier and an aunt whose house i go to every Wednesday to visit.
And of course i already had people in this town trying to force their religion on me two times. Basically once at a prayer circle which my mom quilted me into going to. and then at that same persons funeral that they were praying for. (i wont go into the details here).
Oh and one final point i guess in this rant of mine. I have had a teacher a couple of months back ask me "have you even read the bible?" and at that point i had to tell her no. So a couple of weeks or so ago..i asked my atheist friends if it really was worth reading. One said no it was a waste of time and one said yes it was worth reading so i could know more about it than the people (aka Christians and maybe even my own family) will try to teach me. Now i had asked for a free bible pretty much and one said why not ask my mom and i said i didnt want my family knowing i was reading it because i was scared she would get mad at me for reading it just like a book just like i would any fiction book like Nancy drew or the hardy boys. and that she would think i was wanting to be a christian again. Well umm family and friends ill let the cat out of the bag and just say right now i am reading it and having it read to em through a site called biblegateway.com which version am i reading? im reading the new international version which at the time i asked that question i was told it was the most popular one then later on someone told me no the kings james version was. Well at this point i am reading it even if it aint the version most people in the south would read. So umm if your on my back for not reading it well ive started to at this point im halfway through genesis. And i must say so far it is the only book that has ever made my mind/body go numb with some of the evil i read in it.
Anyway thats my rant for today i jsut really felt like writing a new note/blog since i hadnt in a while. Oh and BTW for those who think me reading the bible is sign that i "wanna be" a christian again it is not thats the further est thing from the truth and i will say it one more time i deny god, jesus, and the holy spirit i am once again declaring my independence from well the stone or iron age and from religion.
ok im done now thanks for reading if you do
-Jamie G.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Christian Bullshit Debunked? Athiests are the more caring of the groups?
you know how sometimes Christians saying they are more caring than athiests. Or atleast im assuming they act that way sometimes. Well i know now based on some numbers that their attitude and stance is completely wrong.
you see i put a status up last night that said:
"if you care about me..or did at one time like my status i need cheering up im depressed and feel down and alone..also LMS for texting..if u wanna help that way..."
Now you would figure if the thought that Christians are more caring than atheists (which i do believe some of them have that attitude) (by them i mean xtains) then it would seem logical that by putting that status on both my facebooks my old one and this one that my old facebook would blow up with Christians (some of which said they would be my best friend forever and some of which ive went to school with) liking it because they cared about me. And that also very few athiest would like it on my new facebook.
That seems logical giving that attitude that some xtains do have that Christians are more caring than atheists:Right?
well here is what actually happened:
on my old facebook out of 927 friends..only 2 Christians liked that status. Ik i do have some atheists on that one but very few considering most of my atheists friends are on this new one. (of course it was late so if i put that same status up during the day maybe itd be more but id be a doubting tom about that).
on my new facebook out of 260 friends on it 6 atheists and 3 Christians liked the status.
well isnt that strange if u combined the Christians who liked it that would be 5 Christians to 6 athiests.
hmmmm isnt that kinda funny considering that Christians according to them are supposed to be more caring than atheists. Well i guess that is bullshit.
Of course that is scary to me that out of the many Christians i grew up with and or had made through the internet only 5 said they cared or did care about me. While 6 athiests whom ive never met before in real life said by liking that status they cared or did care about me at one time.
Well i guess if i want true loyal friends ik which group to turn to. Of course that saint saying i dont have true loyal friends who are Christians but yea.
Also i guess this could be showing alot about Christians not all of them but a great majority of them where i live. Apparently most of em where i live dedeiced that since they cant get me to convert to what they want me to be they just had no business caring about me since they cant convert me.
like i said it was pretty late at night when this status was published so the results might be different if i put it up this morning and did the counts tonight but idk. Anfd of course there may have been other factors but once again idk.
anyway what are yalls thoughts on this?
-Jamie G.
p.s i appreciate those that do care about me
you see i put a status up last night that said:
"if you care about me..or did at one time like my status i need cheering up im depressed and feel down and alone..also LMS for texting..if u wanna help that way..."
Now you would figure if the thought that Christians are more caring than atheists (which i do believe some of them have that attitude) (by them i mean xtains) then it would seem logical that by putting that status on both my facebooks my old one and this one that my old facebook would blow up with Christians (some of which said they would be my best friend forever and some of which ive went to school with) liking it because they cared about me. And that also very few athiest would like it on my new facebook.
That seems logical giving that attitude that some xtains do have that Christians are more caring than atheists:Right?
well here is what actually happened:
on my old facebook out of 927 friends..only 2 Christians liked that status. Ik i do have some atheists on that one but very few considering most of my atheists friends are on this new one. (of course it was late so if i put that same status up during the day maybe itd be more but id be a doubting tom about that).
on my new facebook out of 260 friends on it 6 atheists and 3 Christians liked the status.
well isnt that strange if u combined the Christians who liked it that would be 5 Christians to 6 athiests.
hmmmm isnt that kinda funny considering that Christians according to them are supposed to be more caring than atheists. Well i guess that is bullshit.
Of course that is scary to me that out of the many Christians i grew up with and or had made through the internet only 5 said they cared or did care about me. While 6 athiests whom ive never met before in real life said by liking that status they cared or did care about me at one time.
Well i guess if i want true loyal friends ik which group to turn to. Of course that saint saying i dont have true loyal friends who are Christians but yea.
Also i guess this could be showing alot about Christians not all of them but a great majority of them where i live. Apparently most of em where i live dedeiced that since they cant get me to convert to what they want me to be they just had no business caring about me since they cant convert me.
like i said it was pretty late at night when this status was published so the results might be different if i put it up this morning and did the counts tonight but idk. Anfd of course there may have been other factors but once again idk.
anyway what are yalls thoughts on this?
-Jamie G.
p.s i appreciate those that do care about me
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What Annoys Me
Well i decided to make a "list" of what annoys me now this might be updated from time to time or it may not be im not sure yet about that. So first i guess i might well clarify what annoying is.
according to dictonary.com annonying is:
"irritatingly bothersome"
So what is irritatingly bothersome to me?
well alot of things really are.
The first of which is something i saw last night. And possibly see everyday on the interwebs. And that is single girls turning down guys and me because they/i am whatever. Someitmes the complaint is i wont date your so werid or so fat or live to far away. And these coudl be or ik i am good guys ready to spoil them with love anf give them whatever they need. And what do they say they say no cause this guy or you are too fat or live too far away or the one that really annoys me your an athiest and im a chrsitain so we cant date. And yet if you ask them can we be best friend/friends theyll say yes to that. Only to probally but not always complain later on that oh this bf i choose over you is so mean or so not good to me can i use your shoulder to cry on or talk to you about it. And then when you say and would be a good guy to me ill turn you down again because of that same exescuse as before and let the cycle start all over again.
lol you can tell by the length of that thst is realy something that annonys me.
Another thing on the interwebs that really bothers me is people who say no that i wnt be whoevers best friend/friend jsut simply because they know them or whatever. That shouldnt be a good excuse. And then some or atleast i am i tell them everything about me being as open a book as i can be and they still say no using that same idk you excuse.
Those are two things on the internet i see or are a part of all the time that really annoy me to death.
Of curse there is a thrid thing that makes me mad when i see it on the interwebs and that is grammer/spellign nazis. The ones who say oh if you use inter lingo i wont talk to you or ill make fun of you cause i think your stupid. Oh and they think im so much smarter than you cause use internet lingo and i dont. Gosh that really gets me hot under the collar.
Now on to some things that annoy me in real life.
Like how is this for one and i see it sometimes. People who keep their blinkers n all the time. Because if your not turning off dont keep it on. Or also people who dont turn their blinkers on when they are turning off. I mean im a passnager all the time and that still annoys me.
Also to a certain point people who dont pay attetion on the road cause they are their phones all the time. Of course there is a limit to this i mean if they are read light cut em some slack. And also you dont know what they are doing it could be a family emergency for all you know. So yes to a certian point those type of drivers annoy me but those who complian the point of banning all cell use in the car if ur a driver annoy me also.
Girls who say i wont talk to because i have a bf or whatever anoony me also. I mean i had case recently where this girl i grew up with or whose sister i grew up with and i knew her too bascially said even though we were like bro/sis and were the best of friends said no i cant talk to you or even text you or even be friends on facebook anymore cause ive got a bf. HOW STUPID!
Oh yeah and a girl who said that basiclly id be more pleasent to be around if id stop "bithing abut relgion" and her type annony me.
also the ones who say if you dont respect my religion you dont respect me annoy me. I mean come on you can respect somebody without respecting their religion.
thos are jsut a few of the things that annoy me. I have to stop now but you can be sure that there are lots more. Maybe ill update this or maybe i wont idk. Just felt like doing it.
So i guess to do like some people do
What annoys you? Comment on this and tell me
according to dictonary.com annonying is:
"irritatingly bothersome"
So what is irritatingly bothersome to me?
well alot of things really are.
The first of which is something i saw last night. And possibly see everyday on the interwebs. And that is single girls turning down guys and me because they/i am whatever. Someitmes the complaint is i wont date your so werid or so fat or live to far away. And these coudl be or ik i am good guys ready to spoil them with love anf give them whatever they need. And what do they say they say no cause this guy or you are too fat or live too far away or the one that really annoys me your an athiest and im a chrsitain so we cant date. And yet if you ask them can we be best friend/friends theyll say yes to that. Only to probally but not always complain later on that oh this bf i choose over you is so mean or so not good to me can i use your shoulder to cry on or talk to you about it. And then when you say and would be a good guy to me ill turn you down again because of that same exescuse as before and let the cycle start all over again.
lol you can tell by the length of that thst is realy something that annonys me.
Another thing on the interwebs that really bothers me is people who say no that i wnt be whoevers best friend/friend jsut simply because they know them or whatever. That shouldnt be a good excuse. And then some or atleast i am i tell them everything about me being as open a book as i can be and they still say no using that same idk you excuse.
Those are two things on the internet i see or are a part of all the time that really annoy me to death.
Of curse there is a thrid thing that makes me mad when i see it on the interwebs and that is grammer/spellign nazis. The ones who say oh if you use inter lingo i wont talk to you or ill make fun of you cause i think your stupid. Oh and they think im so much smarter than you cause use internet lingo and i dont. Gosh that really gets me hot under the collar.
Now on to some things that annoy me in real life.
Like how is this for one and i see it sometimes. People who keep their blinkers n all the time. Because if your not turning off dont keep it on. Or also people who dont turn their blinkers on when they are turning off. I mean im a passnager all the time and that still annoys me.
Also to a certain point people who dont pay attetion on the road cause they are their phones all the time. Of course there is a limit to this i mean if they are read light cut em some slack. And also you dont know what they are doing it could be a family emergency for all you know. So yes to a certian point those type of drivers annoy me but those who complian the point of banning all cell use in the car if ur a driver annoy me also.
Girls who say i wont talk to because i have a bf or whatever anoony me also. I mean i had case recently where this girl i grew up with or whose sister i grew up with and i knew her too bascially said even though we were like bro/sis and were the best of friends said no i cant talk to you or even text you or even be friends on facebook anymore cause ive got a bf. HOW STUPID!
Oh yeah and a girl who said that basiclly id be more pleasent to be around if id stop "bithing abut relgion" and her type annony me.
also the ones who say if you dont respect my religion you dont respect me annoy me. I mean come on you can respect somebody without respecting their religion.
thos are jsut a few of the things that annoy me. I have to stop now but you can be sure that there are lots more. Maybe ill update this or maybe i wont idk. Just felt like doing it.
So i guess to do like some people do
What annoys you? Comment on this and tell me
What happened to Freinds First Then Dating?.
so i didnt know about this idea of friends first and then dating before. So yea. Then i see a status of someone as im browsing through the interwebz that says where did this idea go? And why isnt it still in practice more? Idk if i could provide those answers but i would like to try to.
So first how this i get introudced to this idea well it was during a time when someone was trying to hoook me up awith their stepsister and i took it too fast in her stepsisters opion by too fast she meant i couldnt even hug her in a friendly way. But noonetheless thats when this idea was introucded to me. Btw me and this stepsister never worked out and never went on a date.
So how would i explain what this idea is? Well its this idea that youve gotta take it painstakingly slowly even though u might already have a crush on them and only be friends for idk how long and only then can you date and even then you might not get a kiss for awhile. atleast thats what i think it is.
So why did it go away well IMO it went away as people got mroe loenly and realized how stupid an idea it was. I mean honestly your gonna make someone who has a crush on you and maybe wants to be with you and treat you right wait for however long. Thats crazy talk!
How does more lonely come into play well if you want someone to cuddle with..or whatever why put up a rule thats says but oh we gotta be friends first and only then can we cuddle. or whatever helps makes whoever not feel lonely.
Of course then again you might think with how long we lvie these days that itd be probally no problem to apply to this rule. Well idk what the answer is to that. I do know that i think its a stupid rule that needs to go away and die.
Of course maybe im jsut angry at cause of that stepsister thing but noonethless...
ik this isnt my best blog...but this rule fired me up...maybe when i get calmed down and can focus more ill come back and make it better. But for now thats all i have to say about this.
So first how this i get introudced to this idea well it was during a time when someone was trying to hoook me up awith their stepsister and i took it too fast in her stepsisters opion by too fast she meant i couldnt even hug her in a friendly way. But noonetheless thats when this idea was introucded to me. Btw me and this stepsister never worked out and never went on a date.
So how would i explain what this idea is? Well its this idea that youve gotta take it painstakingly slowly even though u might already have a crush on them and only be friends for idk how long and only then can you date and even then you might not get a kiss for awhile. atleast thats what i think it is.
So why did it go away well IMO it went away as people got mroe loenly and realized how stupid an idea it was. I mean honestly your gonna make someone who has a crush on you and maybe wants to be with you and treat you right wait for however long. Thats crazy talk!
How does more lonely come into play well if you want someone to cuddle with..or whatever why put up a rule thats says but oh we gotta be friends first and only then can we cuddle. or whatever helps makes whoever not feel lonely.
Of course then again you might think with how long we lvie these days that itd be probally no problem to apply to this rule. Well idk what the answer is to that. I do know that i think its a stupid rule that needs to go away and die.
Of course maybe im jsut angry at cause of that stepsister thing but noonethless...
ik this isnt my best blog...but this rule fired me up...maybe when i get calmed down and can focus more ill come back and make it better. But for now thats all i have to say about this.
a Special blog About why or atleast some reasons why ive been depressed/unhappy lately
Now i felt the need to this because i know people maybe dont understand whats been going on with me lately. Well in a nutshell for the last week and a half as far as i remember or maybe even longer i have been down in the dumps, un happy, and lonely. Day after day and for some reason sleep (which btw usually helps me feel better) well it has not for some reason lately. So what has caused this well the number one answer i give is that i have no friends where i live. I should point out by that i mean of my own age and that i used to talk to all the time and grew up with.
So what do i think caused me to have no friends where i live. Well oddly enough im pretty sure i know why and well it is something that i would never want to change about myself. The reason is at least as far as i know because i came out as a loud and proud atheist.
Ok that is understood but you would think in any place there would surely be other atheists like me right? Well as far as i have seen and can tell the answer is no. No there are no other atheist my age where i live and grew up. How do i figure this? well there are more churches than i count where i live which makes it all christian. And well if your an atheist in all christian town then well its not hard to figure out that its just a recipe for disaster. BTW by disaster i mean a social life disaster. So im pretty much isolated.
But as far as isolation goes do they really deserve all the blame. Well no but they deserve at least some of it probably. But another reason im so isolated, and probably have no friends where i live is because i have failed to get my drivers at this point. Ah driving the one thought that im so afraid of. The one thing that well ik i have all the tools so to speak and know how to do but im so scared to do it. So what am i so scared of well when people ask me i say its the thought that one day i will have to drive all alone to places (which is funny considering im usally all alone at home during my periods off periods from college anyway). But does it go deeper than that. Maybe im no expert in psychology. What else could it be?
Well as far as a convo with a really good older friend and a mother revealed there are about two other things it could be but idk if one of em has anything to do with it. Maybe its because my dad put so much pressure on me to even get my learners that it has drove me away from getting my drivers (probally not considering it was his pressure that made me get my learners in the first place) so maybe what i need is alot of pressure on me and id fianlly get i. of course then i get so angry at times that i might lose alot of my family over it.
The second possibilty is that maybe i have an anexity problem and dont like getting out of my comfort zone and thats why i dont like driving and cant/wont get my drivers. Which could indirectly be leading to my unhappyness and stuff.
I thought going on this little rant if you will about dirving was important because its possible that maybe there are other athiests i could meet and be friends with where i lvie if i would jsut drive. Then again maybe though i doubt it there are some xtains (christians) who would accept me if i could get out and drive.
Anyway thats the reason i give people for why i have been so unhappy/depressed once again the reason is that i have no friends where i live who are my age or whom i grew up with. Is it cause of my athiesm or cause i dont drive? That is something i really dont know.
What are some other reasons?
-maybe depression is just something i have like the mental illness cause ive been battling it alot of my lfie atleast since i was a teenager.
-Maybe i aint been getting enough sleep cause i stay up till sometimes 2 oclock texting and on my phone.
-maybe its cause i am alone so much at home.
I really dont know. Im sure of one thing though i will make it through this and i will never give up. I made i through my dad dying when i was still in high school and made it through his death nd a house fire when i was still in high school. (i even got an award for my bravery the heart if a dragon award that my high school just happened to have started whne i was a senior).
And jsut to finish up im sry if i havent been as good a friend/best friend/bestie that i maybe could have been.
Anyway theres my explaintion? idk how good it is but anyway there it is.
-Jamie G.
p.s I cant help to add i made it through what happened while i was in hgih schol not cause some of some god watching over me and helping me get through it. I made it through it cause of my own courage and with help form family and at that time friends.
So what do i think caused me to have no friends where i live. Well oddly enough im pretty sure i know why and well it is something that i would never want to change about myself. The reason is at least as far as i know because i came out as a loud and proud atheist.
Ok that is understood but you would think in any place there would surely be other atheists like me right? Well as far as i have seen and can tell the answer is no. No there are no other atheist my age where i live and grew up. How do i figure this? well there are more churches than i count where i live which makes it all christian. And well if your an atheist in all christian town then well its not hard to figure out that its just a recipe for disaster. BTW by disaster i mean a social life disaster. So im pretty much isolated.
But as far as isolation goes do they really deserve all the blame. Well no but they deserve at least some of it probably. But another reason im so isolated, and probably have no friends where i live is because i have failed to get my drivers at this point. Ah driving the one thought that im so afraid of. The one thing that well ik i have all the tools so to speak and know how to do but im so scared to do it. So what am i so scared of well when people ask me i say its the thought that one day i will have to drive all alone to places (which is funny considering im usally all alone at home during my periods off periods from college anyway). But does it go deeper than that. Maybe im no expert in psychology. What else could it be?
Well as far as a convo with a really good older friend and a mother revealed there are about two other things it could be but idk if one of em has anything to do with it. Maybe its because my dad put so much pressure on me to even get my learners that it has drove me away from getting my drivers (probally not considering it was his pressure that made me get my learners in the first place) so maybe what i need is alot of pressure on me and id fianlly get i. of course then i get so angry at times that i might lose alot of my family over it.
The second possibilty is that maybe i have an anexity problem and dont like getting out of my comfort zone and thats why i dont like driving and cant/wont get my drivers. Which could indirectly be leading to my unhappyness and stuff.
I thought going on this little rant if you will about dirving was important because its possible that maybe there are other athiests i could meet and be friends with where i lvie if i would jsut drive. Then again maybe though i doubt it there are some xtains (christians) who would accept me if i could get out and drive.
Anyway thats the reason i give people for why i have been so unhappy/depressed once again the reason is that i have no friends where i live who are my age or whom i grew up with. Is it cause of my athiesm or cause i dont drive? That is something i really dont know.
What are some other reasons?
-maybe depression is just something i have like the mental illness cause ive been battling it alot of my lfie atleast since i was a teenager.
-Maybe i aint been getting enough sleep cause i stay up till sometimes 2 oclock texting and on my phone.
-maybe its cause i am alone so much at home.
I really dont know. Im sure of one thing though i will make it through this and i will never give up. I made i through my dad dying when i was still in high school and made it through his death nd a house fire when i was still in high school. (i even got an award for my bravery the heart if a dragon award that my high school just happened to have started whne i was a senior).
And jsut to finish up im sry if i havent been as good a friend/best friend/bestie that i maybe could have been.
Anyway theres my explaintion? idk how good it is but anyway there it is.
-Jamie G.
p.s I cant help to add i made it through what happened while i was in hgih schol not cause some of some god watching over me and helping me get through it. I made it through it cause of my own courage and with help form family and at that time friends.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Knowing Vs Believing
Now i feel the need to explain the difference between believing and knowing. Why do i feel this need because someone said to me today that they knew that i didnt believe prayer worked but they still prayed for my happyness anyway.
So what is believing? Well thahts a hard one. IMO beleving is taking something with no evidence yet to back it up (or if you claim there is evidence it isnt very good ie the bible for proving god exists).
Knowing is having all the evidence to back you up (ie knwoing the sun rises in the east and sets in the west)
Now athiests know prayer doesnt work there was even a study whcih you can find in a chapter of the god delusion that proved that.
Xtains/Religion bleieve that prayer works.
So plz the next time you use those words dont mess it up.
im keeping this one short cause im tired of writing but needed to clear that up.
-Jamie G.
So what is believing? Well thahts a hard one. IMO beleving is taking something with no evidence yet to back it up (or if you claim there is evidence it isnt very good ie the bible for proving god exists).
Knowing is having all the evidence to back you up (ie knwoing the sun rises in the east and sets in the west)
Now athiests know prayer doesnt work there was even a study whcih you can find in a chapter of the god delusion that proved that.
Xtains/Religion bleieve that prayer works.
So plz the next time you use those words dont mess it up.
im keeping this one short cause im tired of writing but needed to clear that up.
-Jamie G.
What if the xtains could prove the bible was true?
Now before i get started with what i have to say i need to say I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, THE DEVIL, THE BIBLE, HEAVEN OR HELL. I THINK ALL FIVE OF THOSE THINGS ARE COMPLETE AND TOTAL AND LIES! There you've been warned.
So i was jsut thinking while ago well what if the bible were true. What if someone could prove that everything the bible said was true. and if someone could do that then would i take god's side or the devil's?
Well lets look at the bible before i answer that final question. if the bible were true then well as richard dawkins put it about the god of the OT:
"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully"
oh so your an xtain and your reading this and want me to back up that quote? I will gladly do that with quotes from your bible and your ten commandments.
how is he a jealous and megolomanical god?
Well think about the first commandment that goes like this "You shall have no other gods before me.". I must say that is a pretty jealous god who is megalomaniacal. I mean geeze even the gods of rome and greece werent that bad.
So how is he murderous or genocidal?
"I will destroy ... both man and beast." Genesis 6:7 (he basically decided according to the bible to drown everything)
"And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." Genesis 38:7
"And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts." Exodus 11:5
(38:7 and 11:5 in exodus and Gensis show that god is willing to killing newborns wont even give them a cahnce to live)
^thats all ill saw about how murderous he is though if you luck at the ot you can find alot more examples of how murderous this supposedly loving god is^
so does he treat homosexuals any better according to the bible?
"Homosexual acts are an abomination to God." Leviticus 18:22 (i dont know how homosexauls are so bad in his eyes maybe hes a control-freak who wants to control humankind?)
"If a man has sex with another man, kill them both." Leviticus 20:13 (and apparently he is so controlling that you must have sex with a woman or die. what a nice loving god huh?)
"Dogs [homosexuals?], sorcerers, whoremongers, idolaters" and along with anyone who ever told a lie will not enter the heavenly city." Revelation 22:15 (so apparently just because you had sex with a man you cant get into heaven?)
So does he treat women any better?
"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. ... Thy husband ... shall rule over thee." (in other words give women and eve the pain of childbirth and subjection to men and just why did he do this? Apperntly because she wanted knowledge and so ate a fruit of a tree) ( yeah what a nice god punish all women for wanting knowledge)
"And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." Leviticus 21:9 (Translation: that if a woman has children before she gets married she shall be burned to death) (help proves that god is a control freak, is violent, and is murderous)
"Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go." Judges 19:24-25 (so basiclly hat it is saying and describing is that it is not ok for a man have sexual abuse befall him but if its a woman its ok. and that this crowd showed no compassion for this woman) (and apparently god orded this or something)
^once again this is all i say about women in the bible. Yes this apparently is what god said (if you believe in it). On a side note i cant honestly think any woman that has read the bible through especially these and other quotes would even think of a worshiping a god like this.^
so that is some parts of god according to the OT. So time to turn to who the devil is (if you choose to belive in this stuff).
Well this time i shall not use any bible quotes but instead ill go by what i heard ina video that used bible quotes. The devil is:
an angel who was once in heaven. Now once he saw some of the evil that god was doing he tried to get people to stop obeying god. Well this landed him in hot water cause god rules noone disobeys him. So he gets mad andsent him to a lake of fire and out of heaven.
^that based on what i understand is who the devil is^
so back to my question whose side would i choose if someone proved all this bible, ehaven, hell, god, and the devil stuff was true. If i ahd no choice but too choose a side it would be the devils sure he did kill people but atlest he tried to stop the evil of god. And it is that evil unloving god of the OT whose side i would never ever take.
What about yall considering all this and doing your own research if you wanted to who would your choice be god or the devil? (that is if it was proven that both were real and you had to choose a side)
i dont want to sound repetitive but i feel the need to repeat where i really am at this point. And also what i really think. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, THE DEVIL, THE BIBLE, HEAVEN OR HELL. I THINK ALL FIVE OF THOSE THINGS ARE COMPLETE AND TOTAL AND LIES!
anyway if you read this long note then thanks for that. I was jsut thinking about this and wanted to write on it.
-Jamie G.
So i was jsut thinking while ago well what if the bible were true. What if someone could prove that everything the bible said was true. and if someone could do that then would i take god's side or the devil's?
Well lets look at the bible before i answer that final question. if the bible were true then well as richard dawkins put it about the god of the OT:
"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully"
oh so your an xtain and your reading this and want me to back up that quote? I will gladly do that with quotes from your bible and your ten commandments.
how is he a jealous and megolomanical god?
Well think about the first commandment that goes like this "You shall have no other gods before me.". I must say that is a pretty jealous god who is megalomaniacal. I mean geeze even the gods of rome and greece werent that bad.
So how is he murderous or genocidal?
"I will destroy ... both man and beast." Genesis 6:7 (he basically decided according to the bible to drown everything)
"And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." Genesis 38:7
"And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts." Exodus 11:5
(38:7 and 11:5 in exodus and Gensis show that god is willing to killing newborns wont even give them a cahnce to live)
^thats all ill saw about how murderous he is though if you luck at the ot you can find alot more examples of how murderous this supposedly loving god is^
so does he treat homosexuals any better according to the bible?
"Homosexual acts are an abomination to God." Leviticus 18:22 (i dont know how homosexauls are so bad in his eyes maybe hes a control-freak who wants to control humankind?)
"If a man has sex with another man, kill them both." Leviticus 20:13 (and apparently he is so controlling that you must have sex with a woman or die. what a nice loving god huh?)
"Dogs [homosexuals?], sorcerers, whoremongers, idolaters" and along with anyone who ever told a lie will not enter the heavenly city." Revelation 22:15 (so apparently just because you had sex with a man you cant get into heaven?)
So does he treat women any better?
"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. ... Thy husband ... shall rule over thee." (in other words give women and eve the pain of childbirth and subjection to men and just why did he do this? Apperntly because she wanted knowledge and so ate a fruit of a tree) ( yeah what a nice god punish all women for wanting knowledge)
"And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." Leviticus 21:9 (Translation: that if a woman has children before she gets married she shall be burned to death) (help proves that god is a control freak, is violent, and is murderous)
"Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go." Judges 19:24-25 (so basiclly hat it is saying and describing is that it is not ok for a man have sexual abuse befall him but if its a woman its ok. and that this crowd showed no compassion for this woman) (and apparently god orded this or something)
^once again this is all i say about women in the bible. Yes this apparently is what god said (if you believe in it). On a side note i cant honestly think any woman that has read the bible through especially these and other quotes would even think of a worshiping a god like this.^
so that is some parts of god according to the OT. So time to turn to who the devil is (if you choose to belive in this stuff).
Well this time i shall not use any bible quotes but instead ill go by what i heard ina video that used bible quotes. The devil is:
an angel who was once in heaven. Now once he saw some of the evil that god was doing he tried to get people to stop obeying god. Well this landed him in hot water cause god rules noone disobeys him. So he gets mad andsent him to a lake of fire and out of heaven.
^that based on what i understand is who the devil is^
so back to my question whose side would i choose if someone proved all this bible, ehaven, hell, god, and the devil stuff was true. If i ahd no choice but too choose a side it would be the devils sure he did kill people but atlest he tried to stop the evil of god. And it is that evil unloving god of the OT whose side i would never ever take.
What about yall considering all this and doing your own research if you wanted to who would your choice be god or the devil? (that is if it was proven that both were real and you had to choose a side)
i dont want to sound repetitive but i feel the need to repeat where i really am at this point. And also what i really think. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, THE DEVIL, THE BIBLE, HEAVEN OR HELL. I THINK ALL FIVE OF THOSE THINGS ARE COMPLETE AND TOTAL AND LIES!
anyway if you read this long note then thanks for that. I was jsut thinking about this and wanted to write on it.
-Jamie G.
"learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water"= complelte garbage
so as yall know i live in the south and was raised in. This church country if there was one. And when i go over to my aunts there is always this church with pass with a sign that says stuff. Well i saw a quote that i thought was worth talking about. It said this "learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water".
IMO the xtain view of this quote is that basically you need god to survive. That without this supposed "god" we would drown in whatever.
But IMO you do need a god or their god to live. I mean surely people can suck it up and face life without god right? Well i k i can. Im perfectly happy without god. Im also good without god. But apparently some people need it because they cant deal with death without ta made up and man made story known as the bible and more specifically heaven. And hell well that is just a fear tactic they use.
heres a thought maybe you xtains that say i cant be happy without god or good without god. Heres some thoughts:
1) do something good not because someone is watching you or is gonna punish you do it because it is the right thing to do.
2) enjoy the fact that we are on a very special planet that can support life. Just think there are billions of planets out there and we evolved to what we are on one of the rare ones that can support life.
3) Make the most of this one life, do stuff you enjoy , be with friends/family, be happy. And along those same lines make sure you can say goodbye to yesterday because today could very well be your last day.
but ik that is hard for xtains to do.
So in the end IMO the quote "learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water" is complete garbage. Because look at all those without god that are living happy, fulfilling lives. And look at those without god who do good things and are good people.
I mean obsivoully learning to float on water is important but learnign to lean on god is not as important because you can be happy, good ,a dn live a good lfie without god.
That is all i have to say about that. BTW i hope that made sense to those who read this and if it doesnt then im sry.
Also if it doesnt make sense help me correct it so it does.
-Jamie G.
IMO the xtain view of this quote is that basically you need god to survive. That without this supposed "god" we would drown in whatever.
But IMO you do need a god or their god to live. I mean surely people can suck it up and face life without god right? Well i k i can. Im perfectly happy without god. Im also good without god. But apparently some people need it because they cant deal with death without ta made up and man made story known as the bible and more specifically heaven. And hell well that is just a fear tactic they use.
heres a thought maybe you xtains that say i cant be happy without god or good without god. Heres some thoughts:
1) do something good not because someone is watching you or is gonna punish you do it because it is the right thing to do.
2) enjoy the fact that we are on a very special planet that can support life. Just think there are billions of planets out there and we evolved to what we are on one of the rare ones that can support life.
3) Make the most of this one life, do stuff you enjoy , be with friends/family, be happy. And along those same lines make sure you can say goodbye to yesterday because today could very well be your last day.
but ik that is hard for xtains to do.
So in the end IMO the quote "learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water" is complete garbage. Because look at all those without god that are living happy, fulfilling lives. And look at those without god who do good things and are good people.
I mean obsivoully learning to float on water is important but learnign to lean on god is not as important because you can be happy, good ,a dn live a good lfie without god.
That is all i have to say about that. BTW i hope that made sense to those who read this and if it doesnt then im sry.
Also if it doesnt make sense help me correct it so it does.
-Jamie G.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Religion and Alcohol
I do not know where i got the idea for this comparison but i like it. I think relgion and alcohol are very much alike. I mean think about it.
1) to get your alcohol fix you have to pay alot of money ( i think they are high) and the same for religion when you go to church or whatever religious place they ask you to give money. Or if its islam at times they ask you to give you life. {so whether its alcohol or religion there is a price to pay}
2) They give you false comfort. With alcohol it slows down the brain and makes people think everything is going to be ok. Or whatever. But instead when drinking your destroying brain cells which is proven. With religion its the same way kinda they give you false comfort that there is a heaven and that there is someone that loves you. When in truth they are turning you away from reality that god has been as close to dis proven as can be and that no has ever proved heaven. whats so bad about that? Well look at the iraq war you think they would be willing to send soliders over there again and again if they didnt think there was a heaven when it reality we only have one life to live ever. im sure there are other examples but i cant think of them.
those are just two examples i can think of.
Ik there are probally others but i cant think of them. IF yall can help ill glad add onto this.
-Jamie G.
1) to get your alcohol fix you have to pay alot of money ( i think they are high) and the same for religion when you go to church or whatever religious place they ask you to give money. Or if its islam at times they ask you to give you life. {so whether its alcohol or religion there is a price to pay}
2) They give you false comfort. With alcohol it slows down the brain and makes people think everything is going to be ok. Or whatever. But instead when drinking your destroying brain cells which is proven. With religion its the same way kinda they give you false comfort that there is a heaven and that there is someone that loves you. When in truth they are turning you away from reality that god has been as close to dis proven as can be and that no has ever proved heaven. whats so bad about that? Well look at the iraq war you think they would be willing to send soliders over there again and again if they didnt think there was a heaven when it reality we only have one life to live ever. im sure there are other examples but i cant think of them.
those are just two examples i can think of.
Ik there are probally others but i cant think of them. IF yall can help ill glad add onto this.
-Jamie G.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
After Coming Out As An Athiest (Part 3)
So i have had a great time reading the god delusion so far. It is really good. Im up to the part where he talks about how there is almost certainly no god. But i aint started it yet. I like how he refuted every idea that supposedly proved there was a god. It was kinda funny and sad to see some of them.
Id just like to say i dont like what my mom's friend kathy is doing. She is trying to basically what feels like force me into the xtain religion. She gave me a book called heaven and the afterlife. I kinda flipped through the pages but didnt read it. It looks like an attempt by her giving it to me to try and convince there is a heaven and hell. Now dont worry friends i have better sense than that. I know there is no such thing as them.
She wanted me to promise that i would read it but i did not. She told mom tonight that she was "gonna stay on me" until i did. And then when (cause she actually thinks im gonna read it) it is read to give it to my mom and she will read it. Then we will "discuss it". Which to me means "convert jamie and force him into our religion" or maybe even something like "save him from the devil" cause in their minds probally he has got a hod of me and im an atheist.
Kathy's daughter was supposedly either on my friends list on my old facebook or somehow saw it. Well if you see this your mom and my mom need to understand the threat of hell or not getting to see dad again if they were to use that argument is not gonna work. So kathy needs to stop wasting time sending books to me that i will never ever read and if she wants to send me stuff to read starting making it literature.
To my mom you think im scared of hell. I'm not nor will i ever be. Though i am scared of being kicked out, but you love me to much to do that i hope. but oh well if ti happens i havef friends all over this country/world i could go and live with and get my feet back up or whatever.
Another thing i have problems with is that my mom has this bumper sticker on the jeep i ride around in with her (sinc i dont drive yet). That says stop, drop, and roll wont help you in hell. I hate it cause it makes me look like i believe that BULLSHIT. Everyone should know i dont and never have and never will.
I guess if i had questions. They would be"
1. How to deal with people like kathy?
2. How to deal with mom?
thanks for reading
-Jamie G.
Id just like to say i dont like what my mom's friend kathy is doing. She is trying to basically what feels like force me into the xtain religion. She gave me a book called heaven and the afterlife. I kinda flipped through the pages but didnt read it. It looks like an attempt by her giving it to me to try and convince there is a heaven and hell. Now dont worry friends i have better sense than that. I know there is no such thing as them.
She wanted me to promise that i would read it but i did not. She told mom tonight that she was "gonna stay on me" until i did. And then when (cause she actually thinks im gonna read it) it is read to give it to my mom and she will read it. Then we will "discuss it". Which to me means "convert jamie and force him into our religion" or maybe even something like "save him from the devil" cause in their minds probally he has got a hod of me and im an atheist.
Kathy's daughter was supposedly either on my friends list on my old facebook or somehow saw it. Well if you see this your mom and my mom need to understand the threat of hell or not getting to see dad again if they were to use that argument is not gonna work. So kathy needs to stop wasting time sending books to me that i will never ever read and if she wants to send me stuff to read starting making it literature.
To my mom you think im scared of hell. I'm not nor will i ever be. Though i am scared of being kicked out, but you love me to much to do that i hope. but oh well if ti happens i havef friends all over this country/world i could go and live with and get my feet back up or whatever.
Another thing i have problems with is that my mom has this bumper sticker on the jeep i ride around in with her (sinc i dont drive yet). That says stop, drop, and roll wont help you in hell. I hate it cause it makes me look like i believe that BULLSHIT. Everyone should know i dont and never have and never will.
I guess if i had questions. They would be"
1. How to deal with people like kathy?
2. How to deal with mom?
thanks for reading
-Jamie G.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Thoughts and Questions for Today
First off i would like to say i feel bad about what happened to my friends mom. Her name was Tina and she passed away this morning. It is a sad day in this town because she was very loved. She did have a 5 year old and my freind Macey had a son. I do know she will be missed in this town she did alot of good. My thoughts are with her family. And if there is anything i could do i would. May the force be with her family and those kids.
what could i say to them?
Second off ive been having strange thoughts or atleast they are strange to me. Ive had a sudden craving to go back to my childhood. And have been thinking about my favorite game shows and cartoons back then. Rather it was Rocket Power or Rugrats or Hey Arnold Or Kim Possible. Ive had a sudden craving to watch them and wish they would start showing them again. Some of my fav game shows back then were like double dare 2000, guts, global guts,, legeneds of the hidden temple. I actually watched an episode of global guts and double dare 200 yesterdya on youtube. I guess its good they are on there cause i sure do miss em and enjoyed watching them. I also had various other game shows i wish they would bring back like cram, duel (abc show), the moment of truth ( a fox show), friend or foe?, greed (fox show), and others. Ive looked and them some of them were on youtube so i might start watching them again.
Thirdly today i had a werid craving to want to go back to my childhood and play the video games i used to lvoe. Like Mario, Mario party, that Nintendo fighting game that had all the chatchers, pokemon, and others. Oddly enough i do have a super nintendo and nitnedo 64 in the house which i might have to start palyign again. BTW with that super nintendo has one mario game with it.
soo my first questions are that im wondering is it just me who has ever wanted to go back to their childhood? and is weird that i wanna watch those shows again? and what could be causing this? and what about the video games? or ios this something that everybody goes through? and does anybody else remember those good ole days?
I guess my final thoughts would have to be that i did read some more of the god delusion today. I do agree that Christianity ought to be called polytheistic. I mean you have the holy Trinity for crying out loud. But what really shocked me today was that one story in there about the guy named David Mills who was going to warn people about this faith healer who wanted people with diabetes who wanted them to throw away their insulin and ho wanted cancer suffers to stop chemo and pray. I mean i think we can all agree that they needed to be warned and we also agree that the faith healer either must be very much brainwashed or has gone brain dead. Cause what a stupid idea! so this guy askes for police protection knowing that it could get ugly. (I think we can all agree with that crazy of a faith healer around he would need it) and what do they say? The first thing the police officer asks is are u gonna protest for him or against him? Of course David says against him. The officer says im gonna spit in ur face when we march past you. How rude i thought they were here to serve and protect? Not cherry pick who they want to. So he asks another one who says "if the the faith healers supporters get violent with you (mills). I will arrest you for interfering with gods work." I mean really trying to help keep those people alive and from doing what this stupid jerk of a faithhealer wants them to do and you gonna arrest him?
As if that wasnt bad enough here is what a sergeant said: " Go To hell. No one wants to protect a goddamned atheist. I hope somebody bloodies you up real good." How horrible is that? HE AND THOSE OTHER OFFICERS SHOULD BE FIRED RIGHT NOW! and i hope they were and they hope they never ever find work. what horrible horrible people.
But i must say what really got me upset was the statement/quote hitchens used from Bush Senior when he said "No. I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." Yeah well buddy the founders of this country would be giving you a huge F you IMO. But since they cant i will. Screams "F*** You!!!!!!!!" to bush the senior. That is better. And maybe an atheists i hope one day will rise to the presidency and say that "Christians shouldn't be considered American citizens." One can only hope one day they get a taste of their own meds and that police officers say "Noone wants to protect you xtains." and "I hope you xtains get bloodied real good." I know the day that statements like those are made may never come. But I hope they do so xtains can know what it feels like it in the atheist shoes. Hey maybe one day soon? Im not saying that to be mean for any xtains who bash me for that but it is about time you a taste of your own meds that you put down us athiests throats.
Anyway those are my thoughts and questions for today. Leave a comment I love it when you do.
-Jamie G.
what could i say to them?
Second off ive been having strange thoughts or atleast they are strange to me. Ive had a sudden craving to go back to my childhood. And have been thinking about my favorite game shows and cartoons back then. Rather it was Rocket Power or Rugrats or Hey Arnold Or Kim Possible. Ive had a sudden craving to watch them and wish they would start showing them again. Some of my fav game shows back then were like double dare 2000, guts, global guts,, legeneds of the hidden temple. I actually watched an episode of global guts and double dare 200 yesterdya on youtube. I guess its good they are on there cause i sure do miss em and enjoyed watching them. I also had various other game shows i wish they would bring back like cram, duel (abc show), the moment of truth ( a fox show), friend or foe?, greed (fox show), and others. Ive looked and them some of them were on youtube so i might start watching them again.
Thirdly today i had a werid craving to want to go back to my childhood and play the video games i used to lvoe. Like Mario, Mario party, that Nintendo fighting game that had all the chatchers, pokemon, and others. Oddly enough i do have a super nintendo and nitnedo 64 in the house which i might have to start palyign again. BTW with that super nintendo has one mario game with it.
soo my first questions are that im wondering is it just me who has ever wanted to go back to their childhood? and is weird that i wanna watch those shows again? and what could be causing this? and what about the video games? or ios this something that everybody goes through? and does anybody else remember those good ole days?
I guess my final thoughts would have to be that i did read some more of the god delusion today. I do agree that Christianity ought to be called polytheistic. I mean you have the holy Trinity for crying out loud. But what really shocked me today was that one story in there about the guy named David Mills who was going to warn people about this faith healer who wanted people with diabetes who wanted them to throw away their insulin and ho wanted cancer suffers to stop chemo and pray. I mean i think we can all agree that they needed to be warned and we also agree that the faith healer either must be very much brainwashed or has gone brain dead. Cause what a stupid idea! so this guy askes for police protection knowing that it could get ugly. (I think we can all agree with that crazy of a faith healer around he would need it) and what do they say? The first thing the police officer asks is are u gonna protest for him or against him? Of course David says against him. The officer says im gonna spit in ur face when we march past you. How rude i thought they were here to serve and protect? Not cherry pick who they want to. So he asks another one who says "if the the faith healers supporters get violent with you (mills). I will arrest you for interfering with gods work." I mean really trying to help keep those people alive and from doing what this stupid jerk of a faithhealer wants them to do and you gonna arrest him?
As if that wasnt bad enough here is what a sergeant said: " Go To hell. No one wants to protect a goddamned atheist. I hope somebody bloodies you up real good." How horrible is that? HE AND THOSE OTHER OFFICERS SHOULD BE FIRED RIGHT NOW! and i hope they were and they hope they never ever find work. what horrible horrible people.
But i must say what really got me upset was the statement/quote hitchens used from Bush Senior when he said "No. I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." Yeah well buddy the founders of this country would be giving you a huge F you IMO. But since they cant i will. Screams "F*** You!!!!!!!!" to bush the senior. That is better. And maybe an atheists i hope one day will rise to the presidency and say that "Christians shouldn't be considered American citizens." One can only hope one day they get a taste of their own meds and that police officers say "Noone wants to protect you xtains." and "I hope you xtains get bloodied real good." I know the day that statements like those are made may never come. But I hope they do so xtains can know what it feels like it in the atheist shoes. Hey maybe one day soon? Im not saying that to be mean for any xtains who bash me for that but it is about time you a taste of your own meds that you put down us athiests throats.
Anyway those are my thoughts and questions for today. Leave a comment I love it when you do.
-Jamie G.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
ok so today i read the first chapter of the god delusion. Btw it seems really good so far.
I got to the part where he talks about how the religious and religions basically seem to have more privileges than us atheists. I must say it makes me angry that one New Mexico church oh just by using religion they get to drink/take something with an illegal drug in it. As ruled by the supreme court. Then even in the face of evidence the supreme court says nope cannabis is still illegal and you can still face federal prosecution even though it eases the nausea and discomfort of people who have cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
and it makes me laugh that xtian groups on campuses sued just because of anti-discrimination rules protecting homosexuals. And that this kids gets to wear a very offensive t-shirt that says "homosexuality is a sin, Islam is a lie,abortion is murder. Some issues are just black and white!" The school tells him he cant wear it (geez i wonder why) and his parents sue and win. and they used religion as their excuse of course or the first amedment freedom of religion thing. And yet the other day i hear about some teens in Florida wearing t-shirts that say peace they get bullied and then arent allowed to wear them anymore. It makes me sick.
and what is even funnier or sadder or angrier idk which it is. Is that these xtain groups in college with the support of the Reverend Rick Scarborough want to get religion established as a legal justification to discriminate against homosexuals and others. He (rick) said "Xtains are going to have to take a stand for the right to be xtain" which seems according to Hitchens and to me that the "right to be xtain" means "the right to poke you nose in to others private lives". That is so true and so disgusting.
and i guess they won or xtains are breaking the law or they sjut dont care about the law. Cause they stick their noses in other peoples private lives all the time. What with abortion issue or trying to keep away gay rights. Or trying to convert athiests.
and jsut think he has already layed out alot of evils of religion. It seems to me that the religous (not all but most) think this that "You must respect me, not question my religion, but im going to show you no respect and treat you badly but you cant do the same to me." I mean who knows i might be wrong idk.
so considering that why should we respect the religious/religion?
they also seem to think we shouldnt be allowed to question it...idk why not
And btw im loving this book so far it is a real eye opener. I might just might start blogging about this book daily if anything sticks out to me that i wanna talk about.
anyway those are jsut my thougthts.
what do you think?
-jamie g.
I got to the part where he talks about how the religious and religions basically seem to have more privileges than us atheists. I must say it makes me angry that one New Mexico church oh just by using religion they get to drink/take something with an illegal drug in it. As ruled by the supreme court. Then even in the face of evidence the supreme court says nope cannabis is still illegal and you can still face federal prosecution even though it eases the nausea and discomfort of people who have cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
and it makes me laugh that xtian groups on campuses sued just because of anti-discrimination rules protecting homosexuals. And that this kids gets to wear a very offensive t-shirt that says "homosexuality is a sin, Islam is a lie,abortion is murder. Some issues are just black and white!" The school tells him he cant wear it (geez i wonder why) and his parents sue and win. and they used religion as their excuse of course or the first amedment freedom of religion thing. And yet the other day i hear about some teens in Florida wearing t-shirts that say peace they get bullied and then arent allowed to wear them anymore. It makes me sick.
and what is even funnier or sadder or angrier idk which it is. Is that these xtain groups in college with the support of the Reverend Rick Scarborough want to get religion established as a legal justification to discriminate against homosexuals and others. He (rick) said "Xtains are going to have to take a stand for the right to be xtain" which seems according to Hitchens and to me that the "right to be xtain" means "the right to poke you nose in to others private lives". That is so true and so disgusting.
and i guess they won or xtains are breaking the law or they sjut dont care about the law. Cause they stick their noses in other peoples private lives all the time. What with abortion issue or trying to keep away gay rights. Or trying to convert athiests.
and jsut think he has already layed out alot of evils of religion. It seems to me that the religous (not all but most) think this that "You must respect me, not question my religion, but im going to show you no respect and treat you badly but you cant do the same to me." I mean who knows i might be wrong idk.
so considering that why should we respect the religious/religion?
they also seem to think we shouldnt be allowed to question it...idk why not
And btw im loving this book so far it is a real eye opener. I might just might start blogging about this book daily if anything sticks out to me that i wanna talk about.
anyway those are jsut my thougthts.
what do you think?
-jamie g.
The God Delusion
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Survery cause im bored
How do you feel about life right now?
its life im trying to live it the best i can. I mean ik i can make it beet and that i will.
What's your biggest regret?
The more i think about it, the more i must say i dont really have any. In the end what ive done has made me who i am. And ik i dont regert comeing out and speaking my mind and telling it like it is,
Do you tell your best friend everything?
No ive never told my best friends everything. Im human i do have secerts.
How is your day?
Fairly good. Been watching races and been relaxing at home today.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My weight.
How has this year treated you?
its treated me fairly well. Ohter than losing friends after coming out. But they probally werent my true friends anwyay.
Are you excited for anything?
Not right now.
Has anyone changed your life?
Hmmmmm id have to say my atheist friends for giving me the tool to get back common sense and smarts. But jessie ann has really changed it. By being being there for me, and if she reads this i really and truyl am sry for what ive become.
Do you want kids one day?
To be honest no not really. I dont think id be a good dad.
Are you pregnant?
Im a guy so i cant be.
Are you random?
Idk ask my friends/family. I dont thuink i am.
Are you easy to understand?
I think so. But who know ive been told before that my views change constantly. So i think i am but maybe not.
What color are your socks?
Are you happy?
Hmmmmm somewhat. Im alive and have jessie ann and my mom in my life so yeah.
How's your heart?
Its good
its life im trying to live it the best i can. I mean ik i can make it beet and that i will.
What's your biggest regret?
The more i think about it, the more i must say i dont really have any. In the end what ive done has made me who i am. And ik i dont regert comeing out and speaking my mind and telling it like it is,
Do you tell your best friend everything?
No ive never told my best friends everything. Im human i do have secerts.
How is your day?
Fairly good. Been watching races and been relaxing at home today.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My weight.
How has this year treated you?
its treated me fairly well. Ohter than losing friends after coming out. But they probally werent my true friends anwyay.
Are you excited for anything?
Not right now.
Has anyone changed your life?
Hmmmmm id have to say my atheist friends for giving me the tool to get back common sense and smarts. But jessie ann has really changed it. By being being there for me, and if she reads this i really and truyl am sry for what ive become.
Do you want kids one day?
To be honest no not really. I dont think id be a good dad.
Are you pregnant?
Im a guy so i cant be.
Are you random?
Idk ask my friends/family. I dont thuink i am.
Are you easy to understand?
I think so. But who know ive been told before that my views change constantly. So i think i am but maybe not.
What color are your socks?
Are you happy?
Hmmmmm somewhat. Im alive and have jessie ann and my mom in my life so yeah.
How's your heart?
Its good
Saturday, May 28, 2011
My thoughts On The "where the good guys at?/are there any good guys left?" type of girl
Now i must warn yall who read my blogs and stuff this isn't gonna be like any others. idk if it'll be offensive or not but i felt the need to write it. Im gonna talk about relationships and friendships in this one.
First off id like to address the question of where are the good guys at? A questions that i see alot when browsing the internet. well i can promise you girls were out there. Were just the ones you always ignore or dont pay as much attention to. I mean come one we all know its true girls you know its true also...you look past us and go for the assholes everytime.
Im writing this part cause of someones status on myyearbook asking this very question. so she responds to the thought that we always get looked past with well its more to the package other than being a good guy. See thats jsut becoming picky IMO. and then this guy named alex comes in btw i respect him he is really smart and seemed to know what he was talking about.
so alex says:
"But girls never give the good guy a chance to show who they are I know you goota make the chance but its kinda hard when woman don't give you the time of day lol"
that is so true an as far as where i live ik about all that. They say oh well i just wanna be friends or whatever. I mean im sure some of good guys arent the best looking and maybe were nerdy but still would you rather have a good guy or an asshole who treats you badly. Cause im sure we have good stuff to us also. or theyll jsut ingore you till their taken again.
Note: were getting to the point where me and alex kinda disagreed but not really that much.
he goes on to say that i was right and that it is very much bull when it happens and then they except you to be there when things go wrong with the guy they choose over you.Although i think that what guy friends are suppsoed to be there for. I do get his point because it is frustating when they want you there for them and here you was a good guy and they choose over the asshole over you or me or whoever then come crying to whoever when they should have choosen you in the first place.
to which i said well im loyal to mmy friends even though some pull that over and over again. or have even though i dont get to talk to my friends from where i live very much anymore. Ik they have pulled that on me many times.
and his basically finished it off by saying:
"I think after a certain point its the same as a guy usein a girl she's just using you to get past him then she casts you to the side again"
now im not gonna say that every girl ive ever been freinds with has done this. But i do know quite a few that have. And i do agree it may even be worse then a guy usein a girl cause your supposed to be friends. But i mean its always been that way for good guys and probably always will be. Cause thats just the way some girls are and it would be hard for them to ever change.
and to finish this up id just like to add one more thing. As far as friends goes im one of the most loyal, loving, and caring people you could ever meet. So you can only imagine how much it has and still would if anybody did what was talked about above. IMO girls who does what was mentioned above shouldnt even be allowed to have a single friend male or female cause that is a horrible to treat your friends. This is taking into account the fact that some are bi and or lez also.
I mean girls like that shouldnt even get any attetion and shouldnt have a single person be their friend.
To the guys out there with a female friend like what i talked about above just leave. Shell realize how good you was to her. And she'll beg you to come back into her life. But dont come back into their life asssholes like that arent worth the time or your friendship. There are better friends then that out there.
So what do yall think?
-Jamie G.
First off id like to address the question of where are the good guys at? A questions that i see alot when browsing the internet. well i can promise you girls were out there. Were just the ones you always ignore or dont pay as much attention to. I mean come one we all know its true girls you know its true also...you look past us and go for the assholes everytime.
Im writing this part cause of someones status on myyearbook asking this very question. so she responds to the thought that we always get looked past with well its more to the package other than being a good guy. See thats jsut becoming picky IMO. and then this guy named alex comes in btw i respect him he is really smart and seemed to know what he was talking about.
so alex says:
"But girls never give the good guy a chance to show who they are I know you goota make the chance but its kinda hard when woman don't give you the time of day lol"
that is so true an as far as where i live ik about all that. They say oh well i just wanna be friends or whatever. I mean im sure some of good guys arent the best looking and maybe were nerdy but still would you rather have a good guy or an asshole who treats you badly. Cause im sure we have good stuff to us also. or theyll jsut ingore you till their taken again.
Note: were getting to the point where me and alex kinda disagreed but not really that much.
he goes on to say that i was right and that it is very much bull when it happens and then they except you to be there when things go wrong with the guy they choose over you.Although i think that what guy friends are suppsoed to be there for. I do get his point because it is frustating when they want you there for them and here you was a good guy and they choose over the asshole over you or me or whoever then come crying to whoever when they should have choosen you in the first place.
to which i said well im loyal to mmy friends even though some pull that over and over again. or have even though i dont get to talk to my friends from where i live very much anymore. Ik they have pulled that on me many times.
and his basically finished it off by saying:
"I think after a certain point its the same as a guy usein a girl she's just using you to get past him then she casts you to the side again"
now im not gonna say that every girl ive ever been freinds with has done this. But i do know quite a few that have. And i do agree it may even be worse then a guy usein a girl cause your supposed to be friends. But i mean its always been that way for good guys and probably always will be. Cause thats just the way some girls are and it would be hard for them to ever change.
and to finish this up id just like to add one more thing. As far as friends goes im one of the most loyal, loving, and caring people you could ever meet. So you can only imagine how much it has and still would if anybody did what was talked about above. IMO girls who does what was mentioned above shouldnt even be allowed to have a single friend male or female cause that is a horrible to treat your friends. This is taking into account the fact that some are bi and or lez also.
I mean girls like that shouldnt even get any attetion and shouldnt have a single person be their friend.
To the guys out there with a female friend like what i talked about above just leave. Shell realize how good you was to her. And she'll beg you to come back into her life. But dont come back into their life asssholes like that arent worth the time or your friendship. There are better friends then that out there.
So what do yall think?
-Jamie G.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Breaking the first admendent/xtain bullies
Here is someone to keep on ur radar Damon Fowler. He is a high school senior who stop up against the unconstuitonal practice of prayer at his high school graduation. Now this story has shocked some but not me what do some xtains always do well they bully and intimidate. Now here's the story bascilly he knew they were gonna do a prayer at his graduation something they have done for years. He stood up and bascilly said if it wasn't stopped he would get the ACLU involved. So the principal changed the program and made it a "moment of silence" instead. Which sounds good to me.
Then one of his teachers trashes him in the local newspaper saying he hasn't contributed anything to his graduation or classmates. That's right folks this Guy who is supposed to be a role model trashed him. That is so wrong IMO I mean do you really want ur kids to have a role model like that. This teacher also said that others have kept their mouths shut why can't he? Well duh what ur doing is against what is supposed to be the law of the land. That's disgusting I'm glad he stood up. He's the true American not these Christian who won't even obey the law of the land.
Americans united said it right that he did contribute by standing up for what was right.
Reddit gave him a $1000 scholarship and I applud them for that.
Then at the practice this girl gave a 3 minute long prayer. I mean ik their allowed to mention god in their speeches but for that long.what were you school officials thinking? Oh wait u wanted it cause I forgot majority rules. Well actually no it don't get that through yalls heads.
So they have the ceremony this past Friday. The program listed a moment of silence. But what actually happened was more proof of how horrible they and some other xtains are. Not atht all xtains are bad but nonetheless.
So they get to this girl. Idr her name. And she bascilly gives him a big f*** you. She says "I m an xtain now I respect those with different beliefs but....". Wow really you respect them huh? Then she goes on to say the lords prayer, have a moment of silence, and then say the pledge (which had under god in it). Yea you must really respect those with different beliefs huh?
What if a Muslim had done that the whole stadium and you would have been mad.
What's even worse is in the end his mom kicked him out after his graduation or maybe it was before I'm not for sure. Why cause he stood up to xtain bullies. And tried to protect the law. That is one of the most horrible xtain mothers I've ever heard of.
Well hope y'all enjoyed it. And I also hope y'all get sued and that the school has to shut down forever. You little terds and bullies. Idk if thzll happen but if it does I won't feel sorry for them.
Luckily if there is a silver lining to this it Is that his brother is giving a place to stay. And is helping him sign up for core classes. And is taking care of him unlike his mom. If she never see them again it'll be the best thing that happened to them. I wouldn't go back to a mom like that. Also the blog called the friendly zthiest is helping raise money for him.
Those are just my thoughts.
-jamie g.
Then one of his teachers trashes him in the local newspaper saying he hasn't contributed anything to his graduation or classmates. That's right folks this Guy who is supposed to be a role model trashed him. That is so wrong IMO I mean do you really want ur kids to have a role model like that. This teacher also said that others have kept their mouths shut why can't he? Well duh what ur doing is against what is supposed to be the law of the land. That's disgusting I'm glad he stood up. He's the true American not these Christian who won't even obey the law of the land.
Americans united said it right that he did contribute by standing up for what was right.
Reddit gave him a $1000 scholarship and I applud them for that.
Then at the practice this girl gave a 3 minute long prayer. I mean ik their allowed to mention god in their speeches but for that long.what were you school officials thinking? Oh wait u wanted it cause I forgot majority rules. Well actually no it don't get that through yalls heads.
So they have the ceremony this past Friday. The program listed a moment of silence. But what actually happened was more proof of how horrible they and some other xtains are. Not atht all xtains are bad but nonetheless.
So they get to this girl. Idr her name. And she bascilly gives him a big f*** you. She says "I m an xtain now I respect those with different beliefs but....". Wow really you respect them huh? Then she goes on to say the lords prayer, have a moment of silence, and then say the pledge (which had under god in it). Yea you must really respect those with different beliefs huh?
What if a Muslim had done that the whole stadium and you would have been mad.
What's even worse is in the end his mom kicked him out after his graduation or maybe it was before I'm not for sure. Why cause he stood up to xtain bullies. And tried to protect the law. That is one of the most horrible xtain mothers I've ever heard of.
Well hope y'all enjoyed it. And I also hope y'all get sued and that the school has to shut down forever. You little terds and bullies. Idk if thzll happen but if it does I won't feel sorry for them.
Luckily if there is a silver lining to this it Is that his brother is giving a place to stay. And is helping him sign up for core classes. And is taking care of him unlike his mom. If she never see them again it'll be the best thing that happened to them. I wouldn't go back to a mom like that. Also the blog called the friendly zthiest is helping raise money for him.
Those are just my thoughts.
-jamie g.
christainity what a joke/to the athiest youth
so umm this is a response to my cuzs status which called athiesm a joke. And yet IMO Christianity is an even bigger joke. I mean you open up the bible and it starts out by saying that such a complex universe could be created in 6 days. Oh hahaha you make me laugh. Or then in the garden of Eden there is a talking snake. Really you think that were a joke and yet believe in stuff like that. Or how about the thought that somehow two of every animal would fit on a boag. I could go on and on all day about what a joke the bible is but I'll save y'all from that.
Then how about Harold camping now ik most Christians thought he was a joke also. And yet he has turned Christianity into a joke. Or how about the fact that most xtains believe that a guy who has been dead for 2000 years is coming back anyway. I mean have u ever seen anyone come back After that long ik I haven't. But I guess believe what u wanna believe I'll just here and laugh alot.
Or how about those who cherry-pick the bible they are laughing stock also. I mean at least athiests don't cherry pick stuff. We look at all the data and information. And if it doesn't add up to a logical conclusion then we don't take it seriously. While xtians on the other hand use cifcualr reasoning. The best example is this:
How do you know the bible is gods word? The bible says so. Thus it must be gods word. What a laugh I get out of that every time I hear it. What a joke.
And then xtains think about this using the example of evolution:
When you try to make it work with the bible you have to use cutting and pasting where as with science you don't have to.
That is just another example of how much a joke Christianity is. And I could go on forever but I wont.
Now lets go on to one last thing for this note
so in the hours before the supposed to be rapture (though we know all know how fake that was). I was putting up music videos with comments making fun of the rapture and the people who believed in it. But apparently one comment got some of my xtain friends mad at me.
The comment went something like this:
"If the rapture does happen then the world will be a better place and if it doesn't then I can laugh at xtzins even more. Either way its gonna be a good night"
Which ik is a little insensitive but sometimes the truth hurts. I mean would the three who thought this was offensive rather me lie or tell the truth.
Now lets back it up. Think about this if xtains weren't around then prison populations would be bascilly nothing. If they weren't around then gays might actually have the right to marry. Women would have the right to choose instead of all these xtain men passing laws limiting that right. Gays wouldn't be bullied. Hate speech like aids is gods punishment for being gay wouldn't be around. And maybe an athiest could be elected to a position of power. And to those who are offended by me saying this stuff then well I'm not sorry.
And I'm not gonna lie just so someone even my family won't get offended I'm gonna tell the truth and put my thoughts out there.
This final part goes out to the athiest youth on my list.
Be prepared for them to try to d anything to convert you. Theyll use threats of hell. Which btw is not and never ever will be a real place. So don't let them scare you into their faith your athiest you know better than to believe such fairytales. And i ve seen from the other day they'll use minpulation, playing with ur emotions, an the guilt games to get you to convert. They'll say stuff like but think of who has always been there for u. Or fine then see who you turn to in a month. Or I'm gonna turn you into an outcast in our family. And I'm sure other things also.
All I can say is be strong. And that you are not alone there are lots of athiest out there. And just aways remember sometimes your friends have to become your family for awhile an that's OK. Your family will turn around eventually. And if they don't then your probally better off without them anyway. Cause anybody who would turn you into an outcast cause of religion or because they can't convert you then they never really loved you in the first place. Like I said they'll probally come around. But some won't just be strong you can make it.
To those who get offended by this or any of my other posts then either delete me or hide my stuff from your news feed. But stop bitching cause I ain't gonna ever shut up. Plz and thank you.
-jamie g.
Then how about Harold camping now ik most Christians thought he was a joke also. And yet he has turned Christianity into a joke. Or how about the fact that most xtains believe that a guy who has been dead for 2000 years is coming back anyway. I mean have u ever seen anyone come back After that long ik I haven't. But I guess believe what u wanna believe I'll just here and laugh alot.
Or how about those who cherry-pick the bible they are laughing stock also. I mean at least athiests don't cherry pick stuff. We look at all the data and information. And if it doesn't add up to a logical conclusion then we don't take it seriously. While xtians on the other hand use cifcualr reasoning. The best example is this:
How do you know the bible is gods word? The bible says so. Thus it must be gods word. What a laugh I get out of that every time I hear it. What a joke.
And then xtains think about this using the example of evolution:
When you try to make it work with the bible you have to use cutting and pasting where as with science you don't have to.
That is just another example of how much a joke Christianity is. And I could go on forever but I wont.
Now lets go on to one last thing for this note
so in the hours before the supposed to be rapture (though we know all know how fake that was). I was putting up music videos with comments making fun of the rapture and the people who believed in it. But apparently one comment got some of my xtain friends mad at me.
The comment went something like this:
"If the rapture does happen then the world will be a better place and if it doesn't then I can laugh at xtzins even more. Either way its gonna be a good night"
Which ik is a little insensitive but sometimes the truth hurts. I mean would the three who thought this was offensive rather me lie or tell the truth.
Now lets back it up. Think about this if xtains weren't around then prison populations would be bascilly nothing. If they weren't around then gays might actually have the right to marry. Women would have the right to choose instead of all these xtain men passing laws limiting that right. Gays wouldn't be bullied. Hate speech like aids is gods punishment for being gay wouldn't be around. And maybe an athiest could be elected to a position of power. And to those who are offended by me saying this stuff then well I'm not sorry.
And I'm not gonna lie just so someone even my family won't get offended I'm gonna tell the truth and put my thoughts out there.
This final part goes out to the athiest youth on my list.
Be prepared for them to try to d anything to convert you. Theyll use threats of hell. Which btw is not and never ever will be a real place. So don't let them scare you into their faith your athiest you know better than to believe such fairytales. And i ve seen from the other day they'll use minpulation, playing with ur emotions, an the guilt games to get you to convert. They'll say stuff like but think of who has always been there for u. Or fine then see who you turn to in a month. Or I'm gonna turn you into an outcast in our family. And I'm sure other things also.
All I can say is be strong. And that you are not alone there are lots of athiest out there. And just aways remember sometimes your friends have to become your family for awhile an that's OK. Your family will turn around eventually. And if they don't then your probally better off without them anyway. Cause anybody who would turn you into an outcast cause of religion or because they can't convert you then they never really loved you in the first place. Like I said they'll probally come around. But some won't just be strong you can make it.
To those who get offended by this or any of my other posts then either delete me or hide my stuff from your news feed. But stop bitching cause I ain't gonna ever shut up. Plz and thank you.
-jamie g.
pro-life or pro-choice?
Well for me I really don't like the term pro life because if your forcing someone to have a baby they can't afford to have or didn't want then ur not rly pro life IMO because your taking life away from the mother if its a money issue then your forcing them to possibly have to put money towards something they can't afford if they want it then same thing so those who use the term pro life really aren't IMO
Now getting to whether or not I think abortion is right I think it rly is because if u can't afford to have it then don't have or didn't want it then don't have it
Because in the case of it being unexcepted then well if u hadnt planned for it then is it rly fair to make them have it? Not rly IMO I guess u could but if the woman chooses to have it that's OK but if they decide they don't want it then they should be able not to have it
In the case of rape once again why force them to have it because number one it is just gonna be a bad memory for them to have to deal with and number 2 they don't want it so why should they have to carry it and stuff the same goes for both statutory rape and just plain old rape
And in the case of money if they afford once again you shouldn't force them to have it because they can't afford it and they are just gonna be sad
Note: when I use the word it I'm referring to the baby esoecailly the fetus but the other stages also
And now ik some republicans and/or Christians would say stuff like:
1. If a woman didn't want it maybe they shouldn't have been having sex to which I say yea but they can have fun to and I'm sure they problly use protection so let them have the dang abortion
2. If they want it let it be born and give it away to away someone else or to an orphanage or something like that
*my response: well the orphanages are too full as is it is and you republicans are like cut the spending well how about we let women who want to have an abortion have it then maybe those places wouldn't be so full and sending on those could go down. Also if its a situation where they were raped then well duh they want the baby to track them down or have to see it if they gave it away ro someone else so let them have their abortion.
So awhile back I saw an article that said republicans somewhere want to and may have already make it where statutory rape victims couldn't get an abortion because the hand of God. Would turn it into something good. I must say that it was sad to me but I did want to laugh at the fools they are. But anyway there IX no hand of god get some common sense please. Second off this is old men who are trying to control it. And they are using religion as their excuse. Well to them I say stop using religion in ur policymaking and using it as an excuse. And by doing that ur in a way forcing ur religion down our thorats so please stop doing that.
So to answer the question I'm pro-choice stop taking away a woman's right to choice. And stop using religion as the reasoning for it.
Ans yes I do think this is one thing the government should stay out of.
I'd just like to say I don't believe in statutory rape but I won't get into that.
Tell me what you think do I got this right or wrong. And what are your options on it.
-jamie g
Now getting to whether or not I think abortion is right I think it rly is because if u can't afford to have it then don't have or didn't want it then don't have it
Because in the case of it being unexcepted then well if u hadnt planned for it then is it rly fair to make them have it? Not rly IMO I guess u could but if the woman chooses to have it that's OK but if they decide they don't want it then they should be able not to have it
In the case of rape once again why force them to have it because number one it is just gonna be a bad memory for them to have to deal with and number 2 they don't want it so why should they have to carry it and stuff the same goes for both statutory rape and just plain old rape
And in the case of money if they afford once again you shouldn't force them to have it because they can't afford it and they are just gonna be sad
Note: when I use the word it I'm referring to the baby esoecailly the fetus but the other stages also
And now ik some republicans and/or Christians would say stuff like:
1. If a woman didn't want it maybe they shouldn't have been having sex to which I say yea but they can have fun to and I'm sure they problly use protection so let them have the dang abortion
2. If they want it let it be born and give it away to away someone else or to an orphanage or something like that
*my response: well the orphanages are too full as is it is and you republicans are like cut the spending well how about we let women who want to have an abortion have it then maybe those places wouldn't be so full and sending on those could go down. Also if its a situation where they were raped then well duh they want the baby to track them down or have to see it if they gave it away ro someone else so let them have their abortion.
So awhile back I saw an article that said republicans somewhere want to and may have already make it where statutory rape victims couldn't get an abortion because the hand of God. Would turn it into something good. I must say that it was sad to me but I did want to laugh at the fools they are. But anyway there IX no hand of god get some common sense please. Second off this is old men who are trying to control it. And they are using religion as their excuse. Well to them I say stop using religion in ur policymaking and using it as an excuse. And by doing that ur in a way forcing ur religion down our thorats so please stop doing that.
So to answer the question I'm pro-choice stop taking away a woman's right to choice. And stop using religion as the reasoning for it.
Ans yes I do think this is one thing the government should stay out of.
I'd just like to say I don't believe in statutory rape but I won't get into that.
Tell me what you think do I got this right or wrong. And what are your options on it.
-jamie g
Thoughts From the last few days (also a respone to some of what xtains have told me)
Ok first off i would just like to say i love seeing my atheist and Christan friends discussing stuff and getting to be a part of it. That is alot of fun and makes my day.
Next id like to address what i meant when i said i was feeling anti-social last night. I just felt that way because there was noone to talk to and i was in my own world thinking about stuff. That and i felt really lonely like i have been lately. One of the things i was thinking about was would all those who signed my year book the senior one and maybe the next junior one with all the love and stuff would they be that nice if i had came out as an atheist during my junior year. I really dont know maybe maybe not im not sure. I was also thinking the other day that maybe if mom and dad had wanted me to have one from every year of school i could have got one that maybe they should have been kept somewhere other then my home. Because once that home burned down so did all my yearbooks and the sigantures from over the years. But anyway i didnt know it was gonna happen so whatever. But needless to say if it like the response ive gotten when i first came out noone would have signed it..and if they did it would not have been very nice. As a matter of fact one of the girls who signed it my senior year and i think had said love whoever the person was..and said nice things about me well they wouldnt even add me on here after i came out as an atheist.
Note: i will not be saying names when i talk about a couple of convos i had and my thoughts on them.
So then that rolls into the convo i had with someone the other day.
Where someone said the lord gets them thorough helps them have strength and reminds her that she is meant to be alive. Now although ik that you can get through that stuff or have it without a god/lord/jesus i can see her pint also. And honestly alteast as far the emotional strength thing goes ive been looking for a way to get it back and aint found it yet. Does that mean im gonna turn to the Christian god that is supposedly real? No im not but i do need help with emotional strength. As far as the alive part goes if i was supposed to be dead i would be dead.
She also asked me:
"But where's the faith, the hope, the purpose.. If you believe we were put here to die & melt into the earth. Your theory states we don't even have souls. so tell me, Jamie, without a soul how do you wonder? How do you hurt? Or miss, or love? How??"
btw the person that said those two things is one of my bestest friends ever. and her fiance is also.
Well i really guess the faith left me when i became an atheist and start looking at life realistically instead of through an emotional/god lenses. Though it may have been before then i really cant answer that question. The hope well i really dont know either. I guess i maybe have some hope that im gonna wake up or be successful or have friends from day-to-day. The purpose that is the hardest one for me to answer cause idk what my purpose in life is. I aint figured out that yet. I aint even figured out the purpose of living yet. I do know this you can hurt, miss, and love without a soul. And one more thing that is not my theory.
She is wrong about another thing though she said faith is not a decision its a felling. I have to disagree with that.
So i messaged someone else and this someone else is a christian and has at times in my life been like a second mom to me. And i said "im sry i disagree with you on religion" because it is hard to disagree with someone like that on something. and she says this "JAMIE God created you with a purpose in mind. HE is a parent. When a child misbehaves he is punished but when he is good he is rewarded. Our father has prepared a wonderful home for those of us who love him."
Well then there goes my free will and here comes that god's master plan thing again. Im sry you cant have it both ways either we have free will or this "god" (if he was real) has a plan for us and there really is no point in doing anything. Yeah i agree those who misbehave should be punished (like religious freaks). And as far as the home comment goes i dont have anything to say about that.
Then she goes on to say "He sent his own son to die so that you and i may have a wonderful life. He loves you and doesnt want you to have to live with corruption and evil."
Well what kind of loving father says son please dies for all these people so they can be saved. That just sounds really messed up to me. Oh he loves me huh? that why according to you he created me with two bad ankles which have been twisted and sprained more times then i can count. And made it where i have to be very careful cause they are so weak they could break anytime. Thats why he supposedly made me drown when i was young or wreck a 4wheller twice one seriously burning my leg. (im ok now btw). That is why he made my house burn down and take all those yearbooks with all my memories and signatures from all my closest friends away. (see above if you dont know what im talking about) Thats why eh gave my dad cancer and then caused the fire so he could die. Thats why he took away all three of the closest friends i ever had who were like sisters to me (two of which are your daughters and one of which might as well be your daughter) And i could go on and on about this part but i wont.
Note: in the above ik i caused some of the stuff like nearly drowning, wrecking the 4-wheeler twice, or losing my three closest friends i ever had and who might as well have been my sisters) i was just pointing out the flaws in her arugement or appeal that god loves me by using examples from my own life. Cause if hes an all powerful god and has a plan for us and really did do all that then that sounds like the most unloving god ive ever heard of. ans i also know genetics and other bad things caused some of the stuff above not god if there was one.
And god doesnt want me to live with corruption and evil huh? Well if he is all powerful why doesnt he just stop it? and also if you would do your research online and look up who killed more int he bible god or Satan you would find that god killed alot more than Satan. Im just saying. As far as whos more evil he sent satan who if i remember correctly was originally an angel in gods kingdom (according to the bible). I think he got sent out of heaven supposedly just because he did something that god or jesus didnt agree with. So id have to say that makes god mroe evil by a logn shot oh i didn't agree with you haha so im gonna kick you out heaven and send you to hell (yeah nice loving god huh?)
Note: if someone can correct me thatll be fine. Im just saying what i think i remember happened.
By the way if you mentioned in this note and know who you are then please know im not trying to attack you or anything just giving you my response to stuff you said now that ive thought about it.
I love feed back on these notes so leave me some please especially if your tagged.
peace, love, and happiness to all
-Jamie G.
Next id like to address what i meant when i said i was feeling anti-social last night. I just felt that way because there was noone to talk to and i was in my own world thinking about stuff. That and i felt really lonely like i have been lately. One of the things i was thinking about was would all those who signed my year book the senior one and maybe the next junior one with all the love and stuff would they be that nice if i had came out as an atheist during my junior year. I really dont know maybe maybe not im not sure. I was also thinking the other day that maybe if mom and dad had wanted me to have one from every year of school i could have got one that maybe they should have been kept somewhere other then my home. Because once that home burned down so did all my yearbooks and the sigantures from over the years. But anyway i didnt know it was gonna happen so whatever. But needless to say if it like the response ive gotten when i first came out noone would have signed it..and if they did it would not have been very nice. As a matter of fact one of the girls who signed it my senior year and i think had said love whoever the person was..and said nice things about me well they wouldnt even add me on here after i came out as an atheist.
Note: i will not be saying names when i talk about a couple of convos i had and my thoughts on them.
So then that rolls into the convo i had with someone the other day.
Where someone said the lord gets them thorough helps them have strength and reminds her that she is meant to be alive. Now although ik that you can get through that stuff or have it without a god/lord/jesus i can see her pint also. And honestly alteast as far the emotional strength thing goes ive been looking for a way to get it back and aint found it yet. Does that mean im gonna turn to the Christian god that is supposedly real? No im not but i do need help with emotional strength. As far as the alive part goes if i was supposed to be dead i would be dead.
She also asked me:
"But where's the faith, the hope, the purpose.. If you believe we were put here to die & melt into the earth. Your theory states we don't even have souls. so tell me, Jamie, without a soul how do you wonder? How do you hurt? Or miss, or love? How??"
btw the person that said those two things is one of my bestest friends ever. and her fiance is also.
Well i really guess the faith left me when i became an atheist and start looking at life realistically instead of through an emotional/god lenses. Though it may have been before then i really cant answer that question. The hope well i really dont know either. I guess i maybe have some hope that im gonna wake up or be successful or have friends from day-to-day. The purpose that is the hardest one for me to answer cause idk what my purpose in life is. I aint figured out that yet. I aint even figured out the purpose of living yet. I do know this you can hurt, miss, and love without a soul. And one more thing that is not my theory.
She is wrong about another thing though she said faith is not a decision its a felling. I have to disagree with that.
So i messaged someone else and this someone else is a christian and has at times in my life been like a second mom to me. And i said "im sry i disagree with you on religion" because it is hard to disagree with someone like that on something. and she says this "JAMIE God created you with a purpose in mind. HE is a parent. When a child misbehaves he is punished but when he is good he is rewarded. Our father has prepared a wonderful home for those of us who love him."
Well then there goes my free will and here comes that god's master plan thing again. Im sry you cant have it both ways either we have free will or this "god" (if he was real) has a plan for us and there really is no point in doing anything. Yeah i agree those who misbehave should be punished (like religious freaks). And as far as the home comment goes i dont have anything to say about that.
Then she goes on to say "He sent his own son to die so that you and i may have a wonderful life. He loves you and doesnt want you to have to live with corruption and evil."
Well what kind of loving father says son please dies for all these people so they can be saved. That just sounds really messed up to me. Oh he loves me huh? that why according to you he created me with two bad ankles which have been twisted and sprained more times then i can count. And made it where i have to be very careful cause they are so weak they could break anytime. Thats why he supposedly made me drown when i was young or wreck a 4wheller twice one seriously burning my leg. (im ok now btw). That is why he made my house burn down and take all those yearbooks with all my memories and signatures from all my closest friends away. (see above if you dont know what im talking about) Thats why eh gave my dad cancer and then caused the fire so he could die. Thats why he took away all three of the closest friends i ever had who were like sisters to me (two of which are your daughters and one of which might as well be your daughter) And i could go on and on about this part but i wont.
Note: in the above ik i caused some of the stuff like nearly drowning, wrecking the 4-wheeler twice, or losing my three closest friends i ever had and who might as well have been my sisters) i was just pointing out the flaws in her arugement or appeal that god loves me by using examples from my own life. Cause if hes an all powerful god and has a plan for us and really did do all that then that sounds like the most unloving god ive ever heard of. ans i also know genetics and other bad things caused some of the stuff above not god if there was one.
And god doesnt want me to live with corruption and evil huh? Well if he is all powerful why doesnt he just stop it? and also if you would do your research online and look up who killed more int he bible god or Satan you would find that god killed alot more than Satan. Im just saying. As far as whos more evil he sent satan who if i remember correctly was originally an angel in gods kingdom (according to the bible). I think he got sent out of heaven supposedly just because he did something that god or jesus didnt agree with. So id have to say that makes god mroe evil by a logn shot oh i didn't agree with you haha so im gonna kick you out heaven and send you to hell (yeah nice loving god huh?)
Note: if someone can correct me thatll be fine. Im just saying what i think i remember happened.
By the way if you mentioned in this note and know who you are then please know im not trying to attack you or anything just giving you my response to stuff you said now that ive thought about it.
I love feed back on these notes so leave me some please especially if your tagged.
peace, love, and happiness to all
-Jamie G.
Dad's Cancer and House Fire (3 years later)
So since this my newblog some of my athiest f friends may not know this. Now three years ago in november my dad died. Now my dad when i was still in high school got cancer in his lungs and other places. I did not know this for awhile because mom wanted to make sure. That scared me it really did. Then he started having a headache and this headache kept going on for like two months. So finally my mom takes him to the hospital to have a scan done. Im in school at this point and i had told mom before i left her that if anything was found out call me and get me out of school So my mom and dad get home to my old trailer and he falls in the mud cause it was raining and mom had told him to stay in the car while she unlocked the house. he gets out and tries to get to the house now he was a big man so he falls in the mud about this time moms gets a call from the hospital and they tell her to get him packed up pick up the results and go to emory. Well i am in high school just minding my own business when i get a call to the office. That was when i got really scared. So then my uncle comes and gets me and takes me home i ride with with him down to emory. We get down there wait and find out he got cancer on his brain. Well then we stayed down there idk how long i stayed and missed school. Btw they were able to remove one spot from his brain but the other they couldn't get.Then we come home and all go to bed. The next thing ik mom is waking me up and the house is on fire. And i get out and mom is trying to get dad out who is trying to put the fire out. We get out and were safe luckily my uncle had a place we could all stay at. So life goes on you could imagine how tough it was. And btw i had to go outside in my underwear with no shoes or shirt on and this was in the fall so it was cold. Anyway 4 days later my dad died and then i stayed out of school for two months after that.
Btw it should be said my mom was the hero but so was our smoke detector because had it not woke her up then we might all be dead. and even thought this is an christian there are really some good people because my school raised like thousands of dollars for us and gave us stuff. My mom's boss paid her the whole time she was out of work. My teachers understood completely.
And btw this isn't the first near death experience ive had because i nearly drowned when iw as little after getting in too deep of water in a lake. One of my friends said to me after the fire and i told her i was unsure about god (aka as an agnostic) she said this was god trying to get me to convert but what kind of loving god would do that? and btw i was an agonstic at the time.
anyway now you know a short version of one of the hardest parts of my life.
and i do think this kinda proves that you dont need "god" to be strong cause after those two months i went back to school and got my dipolma eventually all without "god"..and am now in college..and never got depressed really and im doing good now...of course i was sad and am still a lil sad he strong but still
Btw it should be said my mom was the hero but so was our smoke detector because had it not woke her up then we might all be dead. and even thought this is an christian there are really some good people because my school raised like thousands of dollars for us and gave us stuff. My mom's boss paid her the whole time she was out of work. My teachers understood completely.
And btw this isn't the first near death experience ive had because i nearly drowned when iw as little after getting in too deep of water in a lake. One of my friends said to me after the fire and i told her i was unsure about god (aka as an agnostic) she said this was god trying to get me to convert but what kind of loving god would do that? and btw i was an agonstic at the time.
anyway now you know a short version of one of the hardest parts of my life.
and i do think this kinda proves that you dont need "god" to be strong cause after those two months i went back to school and got my dipolma eventually all without "god"..and am now in college..and never got depressed really and im doing good now...of course i was sad and am still a lil sad he strong but still
After Becoming An Atheist (Part 2)
So i went over to my aunts a couple of weeks ago after coming out as a atheist. We were at the dinner table eating supper or dinner whatever you wanna call it. Then her daughter in law i think she is says so Jamie i heard a nasty rumor about you. Id heard you were an atheist now. Of course it was in the middle of me eating so of course i get to sick my stomach. She likes would you like to explain yourself and im just frozen cant say anything. Of course you have got to consider that three Christians were at that table so it felt like i was getting bullied almost. I know i really wasn't but that's what it felt like. So Ive never told them anything or explained myself cause i feel like i shouldn't have to that they need to respect that just like i respect them begin xtains, So then i go into the bathroom and there is the sign on the left in the photo below that "says god is real and he loves me" then beside those words are "this is true". Then this week i look at the mirror and see the sticker on the right in the photo belwo that says "look who jesus loves". I guess the point of writing this is that i think its funny that those things went up after i came out as an atheist. I wish she would stop trying to convert me but that's not gonna happen. And besides its her house im just a visitor so what can i do about it? anyway its funny how xtains always try to convert atheists and everyone else like Christianity is the only religion in the whole world and is the only true thing in the whole world.
Btw looking back at what someone said one time when i was interested in learnign about the buddist relgion that my mom acted like i ahd lsot my mind. And her boss said at one time" but all those other relgions are flase the only thing that matters is that you accept jesus as your savior" (now im not sure if thats exactly what he said but its pretty close).
To see the pics im talking about look at the photo that is attached.
thanks for reading
-Jamie G.
The photos i refer to
After Coming Out As An Athiest
So i went to a funeral the other day the first once since coming out as an atheist. Well of course i knew it was gonna be hard because what do you say to someone about something like that when your an atheist? i didn't really say anything just gave hugs....never really tried to force my religion on anyone...cause we all know thats not right. Although some would dispute that but its my walla and my facebook so if you dont like what i post ignore it. So anyway ive had to delete my facebook my old one but yall done know that. I must say i love all my new found atheist friends. Anyway i got off track for a sec so ive been at this funeral home for the last couple of days...and i never ever forced my religion on anyone...never really said anything along those lines..i just gave hugs. So we get to the funeral or it gets time for. They read off this card that the family made. Then fthe first xtains....remember this a gathering of xtains and im the only athiest there. This guy who knows me and has come to the store alot starts praying to "god". btw this guy knew i was an athiest or atleast didnt believe like he did. Then and im pretty sure this was directed at me well he says and those who dont know god you need to be "saved or "everyone needs to pray for you" or something. I dont remember for sure. So the main preacher gets up there. And once again it seems directed it at me. How because he said something along the lines if your "lost" then please start going to chruch or something or everyone pray for them or go bless you then. once again i dont remember for sure. And he read a story about this woman who was sick in the bible and supposedly became whole after touching jesus. And then we get over to the grave site anad another preacher i dont know who tries bascilly using fear tatics to say if you dont get saved you wont see this woman who died again. Now tell me how fair is that i never forced my religion on anyoen there. And yet it seems like three different times they target me (the only athiest there)..im assuming cause it seemed like all the rest were xtains....can someone plz explain to me how that could be fair?..or how they justify something like that? any xtains on my freins list plz know im not sure if this was targeting me or not but it sure does seem like it.
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