Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thoughts and Questions for Today

First off i would like to say i feel bad about what happened to my friends mom. Her name was Tina and she passed away this morning. It is a sad day in this town because she was very loved. She did have a 5 year old and my freind Macey had a son. I do know she will be missed in this town she did alot of good. My thoughts are with her family. And if there is anything i could do i would. May the force be with her family and those kids.

what could i say to them?

Second off ive been having strange thoughts or atleast they are strange to me. Ive had a sudden craving to go back to my childhood. And have been thinking about my favorite game shows and cartoons back then. Rather it was Rocket Power or Rugrats or Hey Arnold Or Kim Possible. Ive had a sudden craving to watch them and wish they would start showing them again. Some of my fav game shows back then were like double dare 2000, guts, global guts,, legeneds of the hidden temple. I actually watched an episode of global guts and double dare 200 yesterdya on youtube. I guess its good they are on there cause i sure do miss em and enjoyed watching them. I also had various other game shows i wish they would bring back like cram, duel (abc show), the moment of truth ( a fox show), friend or foe?, greed (fox show), and others. Ive looked and them some of them were on youtube so i might start watching them again.

Thirdly today i had a werid craving to want to go back to my childhood and play the video games i used to lvoe. Like Mario, Mario party, that Nintendo fighting game that had all the chatchers, pokemon, and others. Oddly enough i do have a super nintendo and nitnedo 64 in the house which i might have to start palyign again. BTW with that super nintendo has one mario game with it.

soo my first questions are that im wondering is it just me who has ever wanted to go back to their childhood? and is weird that i wanna watch those shows again? and what could be causing this? and what about the video games? or ios this something that everybody goes through? and does anybody else remember those good ole days?

I guess my final thoughts would have to be that i did read some more of the god delusion today. I do agree that Christianity ought to be called polytheistic. I mean you have the holy Trinity for crying out loud. But what really shocked me today was that one story in there about the guy named David Mills who was going to warn people about this faith healer who wanted people with diabetes who wanted them to throw away their insulin and ho wanted cancer suffers to stop chemo and pray. I mean i think we can all agree that they needed to be warned and we also agree that the faith healer either must be very much brainwashed or has gone brain dead. Cause what a stupid idea! so this guy askes for police protection knowing that it could get ugly. (I think we can all agree with that crazy of a faith healer around he would need it) and what do they say? The first thing the police officer asks is are u gonna protest for him or against him? Of course David says against him. The officer says im gonna spit in ur face when we march past you. How rude i thought they were here to serve and protect? Not cherry pick who they want to. So he asks another one who says "if the the faith healers supporters get violent with you (mills). I will arrest you for interfering with gods work." I mean really trying to help keep those people alive and from doing what this stupid jerk of a faithhealer wants them to do and you gonna arrest him?

As if that wasnt bad enough here is what a sergeant said: " Go To hell. No one wants to protect a goddamned atheist. I hope somebody bloodies you up real good." How horrible is that? HE AND THOSE OTHER OFFICERS SHOULD BE FIRED RIGHT NOW! and i hope they were and they hope they never ever find work. what horrible horrible people.

But i must say what really got me upset was the statement/quote hitchens used from Bush Senior when he said "No. I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." Yeah well buddy the founders of this country would be giving you a huge F you IMO. But since they cant i will. Screams "F*** You!!!!!!!!" to bush the senior. That is better. And maybe an atheists i hope one day will rise to the presidency and say that "Christians shouldn't be considered American citizens." One can only hope one day they get a taste of their own meds and that police officers say "Noone wants to protect you xtains." and "I hope you xtains get bloodied real good." I know the day that statements like those are made may never come. But I hope they do so xtains can know what it feels like it in the atheist shoes.  Hey maybe one day soon? Im not saying that to be mean for any xtains who bash me for that but it is about time you a taste of your own meds that you put down us athiests throats.

Anyway those are my thoughts and questions for today. Leave a comment I love it when you do.

-Jamie G.

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