Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Christian Bullshit Debunked? Athiests are the more caring of the groups?

you know how sometimes Christians saying they are more caring than athiests. Or atleast im assuming they act that way sometimes. Well i know now based on some numbers that their attitude and stance is completely wrong.

you see i put a status up last night that said:

"if you care about me..or did at one time like my status i need cheering up im depressed and feel down and alone..also LMS for texting..if u wanna help that way..."

Now you would figure if the thought that Christians  are more caring than atheists (which i do believe some of them have that attitude) (by them i mean xtains) then it would seem logical that by putting that status on both my facebooks my old one and this one that my old facebook would blow up with Christians (some of which said they would be my best friend forever and some of which ive went to school with) liking it because they cared about me. And that also very few athiest would like it on my new facebook.

That seems logical giving that attitude that some xtains do have that Christians are more caring than atheists:Right?

well here is what actually happened:

on my old facebook out of 927 friends..only 2 Christians liked that status. Ik i do have some atheists on that one but very few considering most of my atheists friends are on this new one. (of course it was late so if i put that same status up during the day maybe itd be more but id be a doubting tom about that).

on my new facebook out of 260 friends on it 6 atheists and 3 Christians liked the status.

well isnt that strange if u combined the Christians who liked it that would be 5 Christians to 6 athiests.

hmmmm isnt that kinda funny considering that Christians according to them are supposed to be more caring than atheists. Well i guess that is bullshit.

Of course that is scary to me that out of the many Christians i grew up with and or had made through the internet only 5 said they cared or did care about me. While 6 athiests whom ive never met before in real life said by liking that status they cared or did care about me at one time.

Well i guess if i want true loyal friends ik which group to turn to. Of course that saint saying i dont have true loyal friends who are Christians but yea.

Also i guess this could be showing alot about Christians not all of them but a great majority of them where i live. Apparently most of em where i live dedeiced that since they cant get me to convert to what they want me to be they just had no business caring about me since they cant convert me.

like i said it was pretty late at night when this status was published so the results might be different if i put it up this morning and did the counts tonight but idk. Anfd of course there may have been other factors but once again idk.

anyway what are yalls thoughts on this?

-Jamie G.

p.s i appreciate those that do care about me

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