Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Damon Fowler Story and Me

Well it has been a while since i really wrote a i figured why not compare if you will what damon fowler went to last summer to what im going through right now.

Now in case you don't know the Damon Fowler story here it is. Basically it was getting time for graduation from high school for Damon. And the school had always  done a prayer at the ceremony. Well i do believe Damon knew (as most atheists do) that is 100% unconstitutional so he asked them not to do it. And id imagine he was pretty polite about it. Well the local news where he lives gets a hold of the story and runs it. Students everywhere at that school get pissed off cause well the prayer got called off instead there was going to be a moment of silence in its place. Which IMO is pretty fair and right. Although the students didn't see it that way cause most were Christians and any atheist knows how much they love to push their religion into school and force it on other people.   Well anyway his parents find out about what he did and by the time he gets home one day all his stuff is on the front porch and they have kicked him out. Yeah so much for taking caring of your son apparently they decided their religion was more important than him. And as if that wasn't bad enough a local teacher at the school where he was says "This is a student who really hasn’t contributed anything to graduation or to their classmates." Oh and as if both those things arent bad enough he gets death threats on top of all that for speaking out.  Oh and i forgot to mention the ACLU is the one who was gonna sue them or whatever if they did it but Damon is the one who brought it to their attention. So umm eventually i think someone gave him a place to stay until the graduation. So it gets to graduation Practice and guess what they pray anyway knowing their breaking the law that was basically used to divide people. But oh the story does not end their then we have to deal with the actual graduation So what does the speaker laci do to open it she says “I have something to say. I respect the beliefs of other people, but…” now as the friendly atheist reported the word but in that quote tells you everything you need to know about what is fixing to happen and now as the friendly atheist paraphrased it “I respect other people’s beliefs, but screw you if you’re not Christian. It’s prayin’ time!” and then what happened after that? So they said a prayer for Jesus. Followed by a Moment of Silence (code words for “more prayer”). Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance (which includes the words “Under God”). Yeah that away girl break the Constitution with that prayer and divide everyone up. The worse part is that the paper (the local one for them) said that the gradation was uneventful (yeah uneventful my a** how about breaking the constitution yeah thats uneventful). Oh and this really made me mad at the time when all this was going on the paper went on to say: "Principal Stacey Pullen said earlier in the day that additional security officers were requested because of the outcry by atheists from across the country who sided with the student who filed the protest." (oh yeah cause Christians can send death threats and then all of sudden they need the protection). Oh and one more thing to know about this story Mitzi Quinn, the teacher who trashed Damon in the local paper, was given an award for her “great service.”. How Dumb is that you trash a student and get that type of award!

So what does all this have to do with me. Well for one for anyone who has seen in class and wonders why im so quiet about my my views on religion in real life but outspoken on Facebook and the internet this part of that reason i dont wanna receive death threats from Christians where i live and/or get kicked out of my house. Though i would hope the Christians where i live are alot better than they were in that story. And im honestly pretty sure my mom would not do that (though im not willing to take the risk). Secondly and i'm thankful for this when i graduated we didn't have a prayer at the ceremony (so im thankful that at least when it came to my graduation that they are willing to uphold the separation of church and state around where i live.), but umm i havent went to any others since my own so whether or not they are breaking the law at this point idk. thirdly ik how at least to a certain point how it feels to be teased by your classmates. Believe it or not im an agnostic who became atheist after reading a book. and TBH for most/ if not all of high school career i was agnostic and even then by atleast one class mate if not more i was called evil and was told i was going to hell and maybe some other stuff. Though TBH idr if any others teased me or whatever you wanna call it or not.

Now of course its out there pretty good that im an atheist and always will be especially since i committed the unforgivable sin of denying the holy ghost and could never be a christian again anyway. And BTW im very happy for that. *dances around excitedly* lol.

And now i guess id like to get away from comparing damon's story to mine and go on to my focusing on my own life.

Like i said im pretty sure my mom wont be kicking me out cause of my views on religion and the fact that im an atheist. Now of course i have been teased and whatever else by my own family. One person saying that me being an atheist is a joke. And I had one of my uncles after my family found out that i was one saying oh i have a goat head at my house it would be perfect for you (basically implying that im a devil worshiper). Which to clear this up once and for all an atheist doesn't believe in god, the devil, heaven, or hell. Now what will be interesting to see is whether or not when thanksgiving and well to shorten it x-mas comes around whether or not when i go have dinner for thanksgiving and hang with my moms and dads side of the family whether or not the attacks and/or forcing their religion on me will happen.  Though as far as unwrapping the gifts on x-mas and eating and hanging with both sides of my parents families let the forcing and attacking begin im pretty sure it will. Though like i said earlier i hope m family on both sides is better than that. Oh boy i cant wait to see. And the reason im asking this is that i havent really seen some of either side since coming out as an atheist the only people ive really seen are the uncle who attacked me as i told yall about earlier and an aunt whose house i go to every Wednesday to visit.

And of course i already had people in this town trying to force their religion on me two times. Basically once at a prayer circle which my mom quilted me into going to. and then at that same persons funeral that they were praying for. (i wont go into the details here).

Oh and one final point i guess in this rant of mine. I have had a teacher a couple of months back ask me "have you even read the bible?" and at that point i had to tell her no.  So a couple of weeks or so ago..i asked my atheist friends if it really was worth reading. One said no it was a waste of time and one said yes it was worth reading so i could know more about it than the people (aka Christians and maybe even my own family) will try to teach me. Now i had asked for a free bible pretty much and one said why not ask my mom and i said i didnt want my family knowing i was reading it because i was scared she would get mad at me for reading it just like a book just like i would any fiction book like Nancy drew or the hardy boys. and that she would think i was wanting to be a christian again. Well umm family and friends ill let the cat out of the bag and just say right now i am reading it and having it read to em through a site called which version am i reading? im reading the new international version which at the time i asked that question i was told it was the most popular one then later on someone told me no the kings james version was.  Well at this point i am reading it even if it aint the version most people in the south would read. So umm if your on my back for not reading it well ive started to at this point im halfway through genesis. And i must say so far it is the only book that has ever made my mind/body go numb with some of the evil i read in it.

Anyway thats my rant for today i jsut really felt like writing a new note/blog since i hadnt in a while. Oh and BTW for those who think me reading the bible is sign that i "wanna be" a christian again it is not thats the further est thing from the truth and i will say it one more time i deny god, jesus, and the holy spirit i am once again declaring my independence from well the stone or iron age and from religion.

ok im done now thanks for reading if you do

-Jamie G.

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