Friday, May 27, 2011

After Coming Out As An Athiest

So i went to a funeral the other day the first once since coming out as an atheist. Well of course i knew it was gonna be hard because what do you say to someone about something like that when your an atheist? i didn't really say anything just gave hugs....never really tried to force my religion on anyone...cause we all know thats not right. Although some would dispute that but its my walla and my facebook so if you dont like what i post ignore it. So anyway ive had to delete my facebook my old one but yall done know that. I must say i love all my new found atheist friends. Anyway i got off track for a sec so ive been at this funeral home for the last couple of days...and i never ever forced my religion on anyone...never really said anything along those lines..i just gave hugs. So we get to the funeral or it gets time for. They read off this card that the family made. Then fthe first xtains....remember this a gathering of xtains and im the only athiest there. This guy who knows me and has come to the store alot starts praying to "god". btw this guy knew i was an athiest or atleast didnt believe like he did. Then and im pretty sure this was directed at me well he says and those who dont know god you need to be "saved or "everyone needs to pray for you" or something. I dont remember for sure. So the main preacher gets up there. And once again it seems directed it at me. How because he said something along the lines if your "lost" then please start going to chruch or something or everyone pray for them or go bless you then. once again i dont remember for sure. And he read a story about  this woman who was sick in the bible and supposedly became whole after touching jesus. And then we get over to the grave site anad another preacher i dont know who tries bascilly using fear tatics to say if you dont get saved you wont see this woman who died again. Now tell me how fair is that i never forced my religion on anyoen there. And yet it seems like three different times they target me (the only athiest there) assuming cause it seemed like all the rest were xtains....can someone plz explain to me how that could be fair?..or how they justify something like that? any xtains on my freins list plz know im not sure if this was targeting me or not but it sure does seem like it.

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