Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Knowing Vs Believing

Now i feel the need to explain the difference between believing and knowing. Why do i feel this need because someone said to me today that they knew that i didnt believe prayer worked but they still prayed for my happyness anyway.

So what is believing? Well thahts a hard one. IMO beleving is taking something with no evidence yet to back it up (or if you claim there is evidence it isnt very good ie the bible for proving god exists).

Knowing is having all the evidence to back you up (ie knwoing the sun rises in the east and sets in the west)

Now athiests know prayer doesnt work there was even a study whcih you can find in a chapter of the god delusion that proved that.

Xtains/Religion bleieve that prayer works.

So plz the next time you use those words dont mess it up.

im keeping this one short cause im tired of writing but needed to clear that up.


-Jamie G.

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