Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Knowing Vs Believing

Now i feel the need to explain the difference between believing and knowing. Why do i feel this need because someone said to me today that they knew that i didnt believe prayer worked but they still prayed for my happyness anyway.

So what is believing? Well thahts a hard one. IMO beleving is taking something with no evidence yet to back it up (or if you claim there is evidence it isnt very good ie the bible for proving god exists).

Knowing is having all the evidence to back you up (ie knwoing the sun rises in the east and sets in the west)

Now athiests know prayer doesnt work there was even a study whcih you can find in a chapter of the god delusion that proved that.

Xtains/Religion bleieve that prayer works.

So plz the next time you use those words dont mess it up.

im keeping this one short cause im tired of writing but needed to clear that up.


-Jamie G.

What if the xtains could prove the bible was true?

Now before i get started with what i have to say i need to say I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, THE DEVIL, THE BIBLE, HEAVEN OR HELL. I THINK ALL FIVE OF THOSE THINGS ARE COMPLETE AND TOTAL AND LIES! There you've been warned.

So i was jsut thinking while ago well what if the bible were true. What if someone could prove that everything the bible said was true. and if someone could do that then would i take god's side or the devil's?

Well lets look at the bible before i answer that final question. if the bible were true then well as richard dawkins put it about the god of the OT:

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully"

oh so your an xtain and your reading this and want me to back up that quote? I will gladly do that with quotes from your bible and your ten commandments.

how is he a jealous and megolomanical god?

Well think about the first commandment that goes like this "You shall have no other gods before me.". I must say that is a pretty jealous god who is megalomaniacal. I mean geeze even the gods of rome and greece werent that bad.

So how is he murderous or genocidal?

"I will destroy ... both man and beast."  Genesis 6:7 (he basically decided according to the bible to drown everything)

"And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him."  Genesis 38:7

"And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts." Exodus 11:5

(38:7 and 11:5 in exodus and Gensis show that god is willing to killing newborns wont even give them a cahnce to live)

^thats all ill saw about how murderous he is though if you luck at the ot you can find alot more examples of how murderous this supposedly loving god is^

so does he treat homosexuals any better  according to the bible?

"Homosexual acts are an abomination to God." Leviticus 18:22 (i dont know how homosexauls are so bad in his eyes maybe hes a control-freak who wants to control humankind?)

"If a man has sex with another man, kill them both." Leviticus 20:13 (and apparently he is so controlling that you must have sex with a woman or die. what a nice loving god huh?)

"Dogs [homosexuals?], sorcerers, whoremongers, idolaters" and along with anyone who ever told a lie will not enter the heavenly city." Revelation 22:15 (so apparently just because you had sex with a man you cant get into heaven?)

So does he treat women any better?

"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. ... Thy husband ... shall rule over thee." (in other words give women and eve the pain of childbirth and subjection to men and just why did he do this? Apperntly because she wanted knowledge and so ate a fruit of a tree) ( yeah what a nice god punish all women for wanting knowledge)

"And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." Leviticus 21:9 (Translation: that if a woman has children before she gets married she shall be burned to death) (help proves that god is a control freak, is violent, and is murderous)

"Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go." Judges 19:24-25 (so basiclly hat it is saying and describing is that it is not ok for a man have sexual abuse befall him but if its a woman its ok. and that this crowd showed no compassion for this woman) (and apparently god orded this or something)

^once again this is all i say about women in the bible. Yes this apparently is what god said (if you believe in it). On a side note i cant honestly think any woman that has read the bible through especially these and other quotes would even think of a worshiping a god like this.^

so that is some parts of god according to the OT. So time to turn to who the devil is (if you choose to belive in this stuff).

Well this time i shall not use any bible quotes but instead ill go by what i heard ina video that used bible quotes. The devil is:

an angel who was once in heaven. Now once he saw some of the evil that god was doing he tried to get people to stop obeying god. Well this landed him in hot water cause god rules noone disobeys him. So he gets mad andsent him to a lake of fire and out of heaven.

^that based on what i understand is who the devil is^

so back to my question whose side would i choose if someone proved all this bible, ehaven, hell, god, and the devil stuff was true. If i ahd no choice but too choose a side it would be the devils sure he did kill people but atlest he tried to stop the evil of god. And it is that evil unloving god of the OT whose side i would never ever take.

What about yall considering all this and doing your own research if you wanted to who would your choice be god or the devil? (that is if it was proven that both were real and you had to choose a side)

i dont want to sound repetitive but i feel the need to repeat where i really am at this point. And also what i really think. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, THE DEVIL, THE BIBLE, HEAVEN OR HELL. I THINK ALL FIVE OF THOSE THINGS ARE COMPLETE AND TOTAL AND LIES!

anyway if you read this long note then thanks for that. I was jsut thinking about this and wanted to write on it.

-Jamie G.

"learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water"= complelte garbage

so as yall know i live in the south and was raised in. This church country if there was one. And when i go over to my aunts there is always this church with pass with a sign that says stuff. Well i saw a quote that i thought was worth talking about. It said this "learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water".

 IMO the xtain view of this quote is that basically you need god to survive. That without this supposed "god" we would drown in whatever.

But IMO you do need a god or their god to live. I mean surely people can suck it up and face life without god right? Well i k i can. Im perfectly happy without god. Im also good without god. But apparently some people need it because they cant deal with death without ta made up and man made story known as the bible and more specifically heaven. And hell well that is just a fear tactic they use.

heres a thought maybe you xtains that say i cant be happy without god or good without god. Heres some thoughts:

1) do something good not because someone is watching you or is gonna punish you do it because it is the right thing to do.

2) enjoy the fact that we are on a very special planet that can support life. Just think there are billions of planets out there and we evolved to what we are on one of the rare ones that can support life.

3) Make the most of this one life, do stuff you enjoy , be with friends/family, be happy. And along those same lines make sure you can say goodbye to yesterday because today could very well be your last day.

but ik that is hard for xtains to do.

So  in the end IMO the quote "learning to lean on god is like learning to float on water" is complete garbage. Because look at all those without god that are living happy, fulfilling lives. And look at those without god who do good things and are good people.

I mean obsivoully learning to float on water is important but learnign to lean on god is not as important because you can be happy, good ,a dn live a good lfie without god.

That is all i have to say about that. BTW i hope that made sense to those who read this and if it doesnt then im sry.

Also if it doesnt make sense help me correct it so it does.

-Jamie G.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Religion and Alcohol

I do not know where i got the idea for this comparison but i like it. I think relgion and alcohol are very much alike. I mean think about it.

1) to get your alcohol fix you have to pay alot of money ( i think they are high) and the same for religion when you go to church or whatever religious place they ask you to give money.  Or if its islam at times they ask you to give you life. {so whether its alcohol or religion there is a price to pay}

2) They give you false comfort. With alcohol it slows down the brain and makes people think everything is going to be ok. Or whatever. But instead when drinking your destroying brain cells which is proven. With religion its the same way kinda they give you false comfort that there is a heaven and that there is someone that loves you. When in truth they are turning you away from reality that god has been as close to dis proven as can be and that no has ever proved heaven. whats so bad about that? Well look at the iraq war you think they would be willing to send soliders over there again and again if they didnt think there was a heaven when it reality we only have one life to live ever. im sure there are other examples but i cant think of them.

those are just two examples i can think of.

Ik there are probally others but i cant think of them. IF yall can help ill glad add onto this.

-Jamie G.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

After Coming Out As An Athiest (Part 3)

So i have had a great time reading the god delusion so far. It is really good. Im up to the part where he talks about how there is almost certainly no god. But i aint started it yet.  I like how he refuted every idea that supposedly proved there was a god. It was kinda funny and sad to see some of them.

Id just like to say i dont  like what my mom's friend kathy is doing. She is trying to basically what feels like force me into the xtain religion. She gave me a book called heaven and the afterlife. I kinda flipped through the pages but didnt read it. It looks like an attempt by her giving it to me to try and convince there is a heaven and hell. Now dont worry friends i have better sense than that. I know there is no such thing as them.

She wanted me to promise that i would read it but i did not. She told mom tonight that she was "gonna stay on me" until i did. And then when (cause she actually thinks im gonna read it) it is read to give it to my mom and she will read it. Then we will "discuss it". Which to me means "convert jamie and force him into our religion" or maybe even something like "save him from the devil" cause in their minds probally he has got a hod of me and im an atheist.

Kathy's daughter was supposedly either on my friends list on my old facebook or somehow saw it. Well if you  see this your mom and my mom need to understand the threat of hell or not getting to see dad again if they were to use that argument is not gonna work. So kathy needs to stop wasting time sending books to me that i will never ever read and if she wants to send me stuff to read starting making it literature.

To my mom you think im scared of hell. I'm not nor will i ever be. Though i am scared of being kicked out, but you love me to much to do that i hope. but oh well if ti happens i havef friends all over this country/world i could go and live with and get my feet back up or whatever.

Another thing i have problems with is that my mom has this bumper sticker on the jeep i ride around in with her (sinc i dont drive yet). That says stop, drop, and roll wont help you in hell. I hate it cause it makes me look like i believe that BULLSHIT. Everyone should know i dont and never have and never will.

I guess if i had questions. They would be"

1. How to deal with people like kathy?

2. How to deal with mom?

thanks for reading

-Jamie G.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thoughts and Questions for Today

First off i would like to say i feel bad about what happened to my friends mom. Her name was Tina and she passed away this morning. It is a sad day in this town because she was very loved. She did have a 5 year old and my freind Macey had a son. I do know she will be missed in this town she did alot of good. My thoughts are with her family. And if there is anything i could do i would. May the force be with her family and those kids.

what could i say to them?

Second off ive been having strange thoughts or atleast they are strange to me. Ive had a sudden craving to go back to my childhood. And have been thinking about my favorite game shows and cartoons back then. Rather it was Rocket Power or Rugrats or Hey Arnold Or Kim Possible. Ive had a sudden craving to watch them and wish they would start showing them again. Some of my fav game shows back then were like double dare 2000, guts, global guts,, legeneds of the hidden temple. I actually watched an episode of global guts and double dare 200 yesterdya on youtube. I guess its good they are on there cause i sure do miss em and enjoyed watching them. I also had various other game shows i wish they would bring back like cram, duel (abc show), the moment of truth ( a fox show), friend or foe?, greed (fox show), and others. Ive looked and them some of them were on youtube so i might start watching them again.

Thirdly today i had a werid craving to want to go back to my childhood and play the video games i used to lvoe. Like Mario, Mario party, that Nintendo fighting game that had all the chatchers, pokemon, and others. Oddly enough i do have a super nintendo and nitnedo 64 in the house which i might have to start palyign again. BTW with that super nintendo has one mario game with it.

soo my first questions are that im wondering is it just me who has ever wanted to go back to their childhood? and is weird that i wanna watch those shows again? and what could be causing this? and what about the video games? or ios this something that everybody goes through? and does anybody else remember those good ole days?

I guess my final thoughts would have to be that i did read some more of the god delusion today. I do agree that Christianity ought to be called polytheistic. I mean you have the holy Trinity for crying out loud. But what really shocked me today was that one story in there about the guy named David Mills who was going to warn people about this faith healer who wanted people with diabetes who wanted them to throw away their insulin and ho wanted cancer suffers to stop chemo and pray. I mean i think we can all agree that they needed to be warned and we also agree that the faith healer either must be very much brainwashed or has gone brain dead. Cause what a stupid idea! so this guy askes for police protection knowing that it could get ugly. (I think we can all agree with that crazy of a faith healer around he would need it) and what do they say? The first thing the police officer asks is are u gonna protest for him or against him? Of course David says against him. The officer says im gonna spit in ur face when we march past you. How rude i thought they were here to serve and protect? Not cherry pick who they want to. So he asks another one who says "if the the faith healers supporters get violent with you (mills). I will arrest you for interfering with gods work." I mean really trying to help keep those people alive and from doing what this stupid jerk of a faithhealer wants them to do and you gonna arrest him?

As if that wasnt bad enough here is what a sergeant said: " Go To hell. No one wants to protect a goddamned atheist. I hope somebody bloodies you up real good." How horrible is that? HE AND THOSE OTHER OFFICERS SHOULD BE FIRED RIGHT NOW! and i hope they were and they hope they never ever find work. what horrible horrible people.

But i must say what really got me upset was the statement/quote hitchens used from Bush Senior when he said "No. I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." Yeah well buddy the founders of this country would be giving you a huge F you IMO. But since they cant i will. Screams "F*** You!!!!!!!!" to bush the senior. That is better. And maybe an atheists i hope one day will rise to the presidency and say that "Christians shouldn't be considered American citizens." One can only hope one day they get a taste of their own meds and that police officers say "Noone wants to protect you xtains." and "I hope you xtains get bloodied real good." I know the day that statements like those are made may never come. But I hope they do so xtains can know what it feels like it in the atheist shoes.  Hey maybe one day soon? Im not saying that to be mean for any xtains who bash me for that but it is about time you a taste of your own meds that you put down us athiests throats.

Anyway those are my thoughts and questions for today. Leave a comment I love it when you do.

-Jamie G.