Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Christian Bullshit Debunked? Athiests are the more caring of the groups?

you know how sometimes Christians saying they are more caring than athiests. Or atleast im assuming they act that way sometimes. Well i know now based on some numbers that their attitude and stance is completely wrong.

you see i put a status up last night that said:

"if you care about me..or did at one time like my status i need cheering up im depressed and feel down and alone..also LMS for texting..if u wanna help that way..."

Now you would figure if the thought that Christians  are more caring than atheists (which i do believe some of them have that attitude) (by them i mean xtains) then it would seem logical that by putting that status on both my facebooks my old one and this one that my old facebook would blow up with Christians (some of which said they would be my best friend forever and some of which ive went to school with) liking it because they cared about me. And that also very few athiest would like it on my new facebook.

That seems logical giving that attitude that some xtains do have that Christians are more caring than atheists:Right?

well here is what actually happened:

on my old facebook out of 927 friends..only 2 Christians liked that status. Ik i do have some atheists on that one but very few considering most of my atheists friends are on this new one. (of course it was late so if i put that same status up during the day maybe itd be more but id be a doubting tom about that).

on my new facebook out of 260 friends on it 6 atheists and 3 Christians liked the status.

well isnt that strange if u combined the Christians who liked it that would be 5 Christians to 6 athiests.

hmmmm isnt that kinda funny considering that Christians according to them are supposed to be more caring than atheists. Well i guess that is bullshit.

Of course that is scary to me that out of the many Christians i grew up with and or had made through the internet only 5 said they cared or did care about me. While 6 athiests whom ive never met before in real life said by liking that status they cared or did care about me at one time.

Well i guess if i want true loyal friends ik which group to turn to. Of course that saint saying i dont have true loyal friends who are Christians but yea.

Also i guess this could be showing alot about Christians not all of them but a great majority of them where i live. Apparently most of em where i live dedeiced that since they cant get me to convert to what they want me to be they just had no business caring about me since they cant convert me.

like i said it was pretty late at night when this status was published so the results might be different if i put it up this morning and did the counts tonight but idk. Anfd of course there may have been other factors but once again idk.

anyway what are yalls thoughts on this?

-Jamie G.

p.s i appreciate those that do care about me

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Annoys Me

Well i decided to make a "list" of what annoys me now this might be updated from time to time or it may not be im not sure yet about that. So first i guess i might well clarify what annoying is.

according to annonying is:

"irritatingly bothersome"

So what is irritatingly bothersome to me?

well alot of things really are.

The first of which is something i saw last night. And possibly see everyday on the interwebs. And that is single girls turning down guys and me because they/i am whatever. Someitmes the complaint is i wont date your so werid or so fat or live to far away. And these coudl be or ik i am good guys ready to spoil them with love anf give them whatever they need. And what do they say they say no cause this guy or you are too fat or live too far away or the one that really annoys me your an athiest and im a chrsitain so we cant date. And yet if you ask them can we be best friend/friends theyll say yes to that. Only to probally but not always complain later on that oh this bf i choose over you is so mean or so not good to me can i use your shoulder to cry on or talk to you about it. And then when you say and would be a good guy to me ill turn you down again  because of that same exescuse as before and let the cycle start all over again.

lol you can tell by the length of that thst is realy something that annonys me.

Another thing on the interwebs that really bothers me is people who say no that i wnt be whoevers best friend/friend jsut simply because they know them or whatever. That shouldnt be a good excuse. And then some or atleast i am i tell them everything about me being as open a book as i can be and they still say no using that same idk you excuse.

Those are two things on the internet i see or are a part of all the time that really annoy me to death.

Of curse there is a thrid thing that makes me mad when i see it on the interwebs and that is grammer/spellign nazis. The ones who say oh if you use inter lingo i wont talk to you or ill make fun of you cause i think your stupid. Oh and they think im so much smarter than you cause use internet lingo and i dont. Gosh that really gets me hot under the collar.

Now on to some things that annoy me in real life.

Like how is this for one and i see it sometimes. People who keep their blinkers n all the time. Because if your not turning off dont keep it on. Or also people who dont turn their blinkers on when they are turning off. I mean im a passnager all the time and that still annoys me.

Also to a certain point people who dont pay attetion on the road cause they are their phones all the time. Of course there is a limit to this i mean if they are read light cut em some slack. And also you dont know what they are doing it could be a family emergency for all you know. So yes to a certian point those type of drivers annoy me but those who complian the point of banning all cell use in the car if ur a driver annoy me also.

Girls who say i wont talk to because i have a bf or whatever anoony me also. I mean i had case recently where this girl i grew up with or whose sister i grew up with and i knew her too bascially said even though we were like bro/sis and were the best of friends said no i cant talk to you or even text you or even be friends on facebook anymore cause ive got a bf. HOW STUPID!

Oh yeah and a girl who said that basiclly id be more pleasent to be around if id stop "bithing abut relgion" and her type annony me.

also the ones who say if you dont respect my religion you dont respect me annoy me. I mean come on you can respect somebody without respecting their religion.

thos are jsut a few of the things that annoy me. I have to stop now but you can be sure that there are lots more. Maybe ill update this or maybe i wont idk. Just felt like doing it.

So i guess to do like some people do

What annoys you? Comment on this and tell me

What happened to Freinds First Then Dating?.

so i didnt know about this idea of friends first and then dating before. So yea. Then i see a status of someone as im browsing through the interwebz that says where did this idea go? And why isnt it still in practice more? Idk if i could provide those answers but i would like to try to.

So first how this i get introudced to this idea well it was during a time when someone was trying to hoook me up awith their stepsister and i took it too fast in her stepsisters opion by too fast she meant i couldnt even hug her in a friendly way. But noonetheless thats when this idea was introucded to me. Btw me and this stepsister never worked out and never went on a date.

So how would i explain what this idea is? Well its this idea that youve gotta take it painstakingly slowly even though u might already have a crush on them and only be friends for idk how long and only then can you date and even then you might not get a kiss for awhile. atleast thats what i think it is.

So why did it go away well IMO it went away as people got mroe loenly and realized how stupid an idea it was. I mean honestly your gonna make someone who has a crush on you and maybe wants to be with you and treat you right wait for however long. Thats crazy talk!

How does more lonely come into play well if you want someone to cuddle with..or whatever why put up a rule thats says but oh we gotta be friends first and only then can we cuddle. or whatever helps makes whoever not feel lonely.

Of course then again you might think with how long we lvie these days that itd be probally no problem to apply to this rule. Well idk what the answer is to that. I do know that i think its a stupid rule that needs to go away and die.

Of course maybe im jsut angry at cause of that stepsister thing but noonethless...

ik this isnt my best blog...but this rule fired me up...maybe when i get calmed down and can focus more ill come back and make it better. But for now thats all i have to say about this.

a Special blog About why or atleast some reasons why ive been depressed/unhappy lately

Now i felt the need to this because i know people maybe dont understand whats been going on with me lately. Well in a nutshell for the last week and a half as far as i remember or maybe even longer i have been down in the dumps, un happy, and lonely. Day after day and for some reason sleep (which btw usually helps me feel better) well it has not for some reason lately. So what has caused this well the number one answer i give is that i have no friends where i live. I should point out by that i mean of my own age and that i used to talk to all the time and grew up with.

So what do i think caused me to have no friends where i live. Well oddly enough im pretty sure i know why and well it is something that i would never want to change about myself. The reason is at least as far as i know because i came out as a loud and proud atheist.

Ok that is understood but you would think in any place there would surely be other atheists like me right? Well as far as i have seen and can tell the answer is no. No there are no other atheist my age where i live and grew up. How do i figure this? well there are more churches than i count where i live which makes it all christian. And well if your an atheist in all christian town then well its not hard to figure out that its just a recipe for disaster. BTW by disaster i mean a social life disaster. So im pretty much isolated.

But as far as isolation goes do they really deserve all the blame. Well no but they deserve at least some of it probably. But another reason im so isolated, and probably have no friends where i live is because i have failed to get my drivers at this point. Ah driving the one thought that im so afraid of. The one thing that well ik i have all the tools so to speak and know how to do but im so scared to do it. So what am i so scared of well when people ask me i say its the thought that one day i will have to drive all alone to places (which is funny considering im usally all alone at home during my periods off periods from college anyway). But does it go deeper than that. Maybe im no expert in psychology. What else could it be?

Well as far as a convo with a really good older friend and a mother revealed there are about two other things it could be but idk if one of em has anything to do with it. Maybe its because my dad put so much pressure on me to even get my learners that it has drove me away from getting my drivers (probally not considering it was his pressure that made me get my learners in the first place) so maybe what i need is alot of pressure on me and id fianlly get i. of course then i get so angry at times that i might lose alot of my family over it.

The second possibilty is that maybe i have an anexity problem and dont like getting out of my comfort zone and thats why i dont like driving and cant/wont get my drivers. Which could indirectly be leading to my unhappyness and stuff.

I thought going on this little rant if you will about dirving was important because its possible that maybe there are other athiests i could meet and be friends with where i lvie if i would jsut drive. Then again maybe though i doubt it there are some xtains (christians) who would accept me if i could get out and drive.

Anyway thats the reason i give people for why i have been so unhappy/depressed once again the reason is that i have no friends where i live who are my age or whom i grew up with. Is it cause of my athiesm or cause i dont drive? That is something i really dont know.

What are some other reasons?

-maybe depression is just something i have like the mental illness cause ive been battling it alot of my lfie atleast since i was a teenager.

-Maybe i aint been getting enough sleep cause i stay up till sometimes 2 oclock texting and on my phone.

-maybe its cause i am alone so much at home.

I really dont know. Im sure of one thing though i will make it through this and i will never give up. I made i through my dad dying when i was still in high school and made it through his death nd a house fire when i was still in high school. (i even got an award for my bravery the heart if a dragon award that my high school just happened to have started whne i was a senior).

And jsut to finish up im sry if i havent been as good a friend/best friend/bestie that i maybe could have been.

Anyway theres my explaintion? idk how good it is but anyway there it is.

-Jamie G.

p.s I cant help to add i made it through what happened while i was in hgih schol not cause some of some god watching over me and helping me get through it. I made it through it cause of my own courage and with help form family and at that time friends.